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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Review - "Siren Song" by Cat Adams

Siren Song
(Blood Singer #2)
Publishing Date: 9/28/10
Publisher: Tor Books
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Source: Library Book

Nothing if not resilient, Celia Graves is slowly adjusting to being a half-human, half-vampire Abomination. But her troubles are far from over. Her best friend’s murder is still unsolved, the cops are convinced she should be in jail, and her old lover, the magician Bruno DeLuca, has resurfaced in her life, saying he has something important to tell her.
The vampire attack that transformed Celia kicked her latent Siren abilities into high gear, and now she’s been summoned to the Sirens’ island to justify her existence—and possibly fight for her life—in front of the Siren Queen. Celia isn’t sure she’ll survive to make the trip. The demon she defeated in Blood Song hasn’t exactly gone quietly—he’s left Celia suffering from a powerful curse.

My Review:
(Originally Reviewed on Mrs. Papillion aka "The Book Worm")
I really liked this book a lot better than the first. Celia had accepted that she is an abmonination. In this book though, she learns more about the Siren side of herself and finds out she's cursed. She has to figure out who cursed her and why. She also needs to go to court and claim she's not a threat to humankind. What is Celia to do? To top it off, she has to do her job and be a bodyguard to the King too. Grrr...her life seems to get into more trouble than anything.
I love how Cat Adams, threw in twists in the story and I was amazed on how the book ended. I'm sorry to say that Celia's Mom is finally getting what she deserved, but maybe she'll get help now. I'm a little upset with Bruno though, Celia's love interest or should I say former love interest. I'm also upset on what happens at the end with Bruno and Celia. Grrr!!! What a difficult man he is. I'm hoping Celia ends up with Creede now. He sounds really interesting and sexy.
So it's onto another book and I'm going to put this series on hold for just a little while. I'm looking forward to hearing what happens to Celia next. There may not be much of love, sex and violence in these books...but I'm loving Cat Adams writing style and how she can keep me from putting down a book.


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