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Friday, December 21, 2012

Blog Tour: "Holiday Jinx" by Abbey MacInnis (Interview/Giveaway)

Welcome to our virtual tour stop of "Holiday Jinx" by Abbey Macinnis brought to you by Lit Connect Events.

Explain HOLIDAY JINX in your own words – no blurb! :)

Hi, Thanks for having me here!

Well, without the blurb, I’d say Holiday Jinx is a story of self-acceptance and forgiveness. Chris, the hero, has many inner issues to overcome. He doesn’t like himself in the beginning. I like to think of him as kind of a Scrooge, but he has good reason to be bitter and angry. Natalie, the heroine, has also been hurt. During the course of the story, someone she loves and admires dearly hurts her terribly. She has to learn forgiveness in order to be happy. These two have their own inner battles to fight in order to come together and fall in love. And they need to help each other get past these issues in order to do that.

As for Jinx the elf, she has her own lesson to learn. There were many paralels I had to work through and ends to tie up for this book. I loved every minute of it.

Tell us a little bit about your secondary character Jinx.

Jinx was the first character that showed herself to me. She was “that elf” for the longest time. LOL The first scene with Chris and Jinx was what came to me initially. I didn’t know much about who Jinx or any of the other characters were at that point. All I knew was there was this naughty elf who had a debt to repay. She pissed Santa off enough to have her magic taken away. And after I figured out the why’s, the story took off from there.

I really didn’t think I’d write a story featuring Jinx as the heroine, but I’m seriously considering it for next year. I really fell in love with her character.

What does Jinx bring to the storyline?

I think she adds a magical element to the book. She provides some comic relief when things get heated between Chris and Natalie. She also adds another layer of conflict to the story. I found myself hoping things would work out for her too come the end of the book. And I’ve always loved holiday stories with Santa and his elves. Granted, Jinx is certainly unconventional with her candy cane gun that shoots tinsel. LOL.

How does the setting help contribute to the story?

My hero and heroine hate being stuck together. If there wasn’t a blizzard, she’d leave, which is the worst thing she could do. I tried adding some romance with the fireplace and snowball fight. Huh? Yep, snow can be romantic. I think the cabin and blizzard add to the overall romance and even conflict of the book because the nasty weather forces them to face their own issues within themselves and the problems between them.
Do you think Christmas setting stories naturally bring an air or romance and a sense of magic to them?
Yes, I think so. To me though, it isn’t just about including the usual trappings of Christmas like the tree, Santa, elves, decorations, etc. It can also showcase the spirit of the holiday season of charity, caring, love and kindness and how some characters need to either learn or relearn these traits..

What is a gift that each the hero and heroine would love to see under the tree?
Ah, well they do each receive a gift at the end of the book. One that has sentimental meaning to them. *grin* I’m not telling. [wink]

What do you hope readers feel, or take away, once they finish the last page of your book?

I hope after finishing Holiday Jinx you smile and hug those you love close. No, no one dies in this book, but maybe you haven’t always gotten along with a family member or friend. Perhaps you’ve lost touch because of an argument you had years ago that tore you apart. Everyone makes mistakes. We all hurt each other, especially those we love. We might not mean to, but it happens. The holidays are a time to set aside all hurts and wrongdoings. They’re a time to forgive as my characters learn.

And heck, if you feel all awwwwww, too, that’s awesome!!
Holiday Jinx
by: Abbey MacInnis
Publishing Date: 11/15/12
Publisher: Indie
Genre: Contemporary Romance with a little paranormal twist
Tone: Light with some comedy
Heat: Sensual
Elements/Tags: Paranormal romance, contemporary romance, holiday, elves, fantasy, Santa Claus, North Pole, forced proximity romance, toys, CEOs, tycoons, sexy romance, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years.
Format: ebook
Words: 70,000

Jinx—one of Santa’s elves—is in trouble with the Big Guy. She’s been charged with bringing holiday happiness to Christopher Ragan, CEO of Wondrous Toys. It’s a big job especially when he’s more attached to the bottom of a bottle than helping his fellow man. 
She’s got enough trouble without spilling the secrets of the North Pole, but then along comes Natalie Burnes, a newbie CEO of Enchanted Toys and in trouble of a hostile takeover from Christopher’s company. The woman literally crashes Christopher’s vacation plans in a tucked away Michigan cabin---and the sparks start flying. 
 As if Jinx’s job of matchmaking the toy makers isn’t hard enough, she’s got to stay one step ahead of the North Pole patrol and keep out of sight of the humans. No way is she gonna screw up and lose her magic again. If the humans can’t find happiness and love by Christmas, Jinx forfeits her chance of seeing her true love too. What’s an elf to do?
Purchase Links:
Book Trailerhttp://youtu.be/f0wwXbh4dcw
Holiday Jinx by Abbey MacInnis; Ch 1
Abbey MacInnis is a published author of Contemporary Western romance. Along with Contemporary, she writes Historical, Paranormal and erotic romance. Whether she’s being swept off her feet by a Medieval knight, regency rake, or cowboy or cop, her heroes are always strong men who’ll love their women uncondi- tionally. 
On most days, Abbey can be found at her computer, penning her latest tale. A tale where love, respect, and passion combine to create a satisfying and happy ending. She invites you to step in to the pages of her ro- mances, to leave your worries behind and get swept up in her world.
Abbey is gifting one randomly drawn commenter from each tour stop a $5 electronic gift certificate to ei- ther Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com; Winners’ choice. Additionally, Abbey is gifting a Grand Prize tour wide giveaway of a zip file filled with various author digital book donations. So far, the following ebooks will be gifted:
David Russell, donating a copy of Selfs Blossom
Robin Covington, donating a copy of A Night of Southern Comfort and Secret Santa Baby http://www.robincovingtonromance.com
Jane Beckenham, donating a copy of To Kiss An Angel and He’s the One http://www.janebeckenham.com
Jodi Redford, donating a copy of Checking It Twice

Stacey Joy Netzel, donating a copy of Romancing Wisconsin Holiday Box set http://www.StaceyJoyNetzel.com
Abbey MacInnis, donating a copy of Holiday Jinx

The winner can only win ONCE during the entire tour. Please leave a comment with your broken up email addy and follow the Rafflecopter directions. The giveaway is open internationally and the winners will be notified via email after the close of the tour. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Additional tour stops can be found at: http://events.litconnect.com/virtual-book-tour-holiday-jinx-by-abbey-macinnis
The more stops readers comment on, the greater their chance of winning. 


laurie said...

i love the cover..and the book looks really good!


Thanks for hosting Abbey today!! :)

Hi Laurie,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :) Good luck and happy holidays.
Thanks to the mamas for having me here too. :)

Joanne said...

This book sounds like a fun holiday read. Can't wait to get it. Congrats on the release. Love the cover.


Nicole said...

Love the cover and hope to read the book:) thanks for the giveaway!!

Hi Joanne,
Thanks for the cover love! :) And thank you for dropping by and commenting. ;)
Happy holidays and good luck!

Wow, thanks for the giveaway! The cover looks amazing and the book sounds good!


Hi there, Nicole,
Good to see you again! Thanks for commenting, and happy holidays! :)

bas1chs said...

Definitely added this one to my TBR! Thanks for having the tour on the blog :)
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

June M. said...

Jinxed sounds great! I love the elf helping to get two people to fall in love :)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

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