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Friday, May 17, 2013

Blog Tour: "Carry Your Heart" by Audrey Bell (Interview)

Welcome to our Virtual tour stop of "Carry Your Heart" by Audrey Bell brought to you by Bewitching Book Tours.
1. Tell us three things about yourself that readers may not know about you.

-I have two middle names, I can write with both my hands, and I'm freakishly afraid of the subway. (Ridiculous, I know.)

2. What does a typical writing day look for you?

Ugh, I work full-time and, sadly, not as a writer. So, there's no typical writing day! I find the time when I can, and otherwise just fantasize about my next scene while I'm at work and try not to forget it before I get home!

3. Tell us a little bit about "Carry Your Heart" and why readers should check it out.

Carry Your Heart is a new adult contemporary novel about a damaged Olympic hopeful skier and a commitment-phobe professional snowboarder. If you want a little bit of angst, this is the perfect read for you :) !

4. What was the hardest scene and easiest scene to write in "Carry Your Heart" without giving too much away?

Hardest scene--Pippa & Hunter's first encounter. I didn't want Pippa to like Hunter. I wanted Hunter to seem like a jerk, and I knew he wasn't going to end up being a jerk at all. I'm writing the sequel from Hunter's POV, so it's been fun to get inside his head for a change.

5. What inspired you to write "Carry Your Heart"?

I read an article on the avalanche at Tunnel Creek in the New York TImes and my mind sort of ran with it!

6. Fun Question: If you could have dinner with one famous person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?

I would love to have dinner with Jennifer Lawrence or Cary Grant. Jennifer Lawrence because she's wonderful and hilarious, and Cary Grant because it's Cary Grant, of course!

7. What is up next for Audrey Bell?

When I finish up Hunter's book, I'm going to start writing LOVE SHOW, which is a new adult contemporary about college students.

8. Do you have anything specific you want to tell your readers? 

I'm so excited to have any readers at all, so THANK YOU!
Carry Your Heart
(After Forever #1)
by: Audrey Bell
Genre: Contemporary New Adult
Publishing Date: 5/7/13
ISBN: 9781626207172
Word Count: 73,000

Champion skier Pippa Baker lost everything in the avalanche: her boyfriend, his best friend, and her will to win. After a year of grief, she returns to competition.

She finds more than buried memories and steep slopes in Utah. She finds Hunter Dawson, a heartbreaking daredevil with the gold medals to prove it. And she finds that his reputation doesn’t stop her from falling hard, and that her heart might not be as broken as she once believed.

But, Hunter has scars and memories too—scars that make him believe falling in love might hurt too much, scars that make him run.

Pippa knows how much love hurts when it’s gone. Will she stop herself before she’s in too deep? Or will she let herself fall?
Purchase at Amazon
Audrey Bell lives in New York City, where she indulges her SoulCycle addiction and expresses her passionate hatred of the 6 Train. You can find her reading in Central Park, overcaffeinating at Starbucks, or trying to kidnap her neighbors’ Maltese puppy. She loves hearing from readers. Check out her blog at audreybellbooks.blogspot.com.  


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for having me!

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