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Monday, May 28, 2012
Author Q&A & Giveaway - Jaime Rush
We are pleased to welcome Jaime Rush to Book Lovin' Mamas today!!! Jaime was nice enough to answer some questions for me about herself and her Offspring series. Please enjoy and check out the giveaway at the bottom of this post to enter for a chance to win a copy of her new book, Darkness Becomes Her.
A little about Jaime
(Borrowed from authors website)
I'm so glad you've come to visit. So you want to know a
little more about me? I am the daughter of an exiled king, living a life of
both luxury and danger. While ensconced in our palace in our adopted land of
Romania, we must be ever-vigilant of the dark forces that expunged us from the
beautiful and sacred land that was once called Eden.
You can tell I write fiction, right? I wish I could say that
I was an airline pilot or a former spy or something exciting, but my life has
been pretty ordinary. My mom likes to assure people that I had a nice, happy,
stable childhood in her defense of the fact that I kill people for a living. On
paper, of course. I was always drawn to the strange and unexplained, and to the
dark side of human nature. I devoured Alfred Hitchcock anthologies, as well as
the movies. Loved watching Unsolved Mysteries and true crime television. My
sometimes warped sense of humor probably came from all those MAD magazines that
were always around the house. Don't even get me started on my Alfred E. Neuman
So, yes, I am fascinated by what makes people do evil
things, but mostly what I love about what I write is that good triumphs in the
end. The bad guy gets his just punishment. We don't always get that in real
life. But I believe in the strength and beauty of our souls and that we can at
least triumph over our own demons--our pasts, our nemesises, the hurts we've
sustained along the way. The people in my books have the baggage and hurts and
insecurities we all do. Then I throw them into a really bad situation, test
their hearts and souls, and in the end, they find not only love for someone
else, but for themselves, too. If they can do it, so can you, and you don't
even need to have people trying to kill you to achieve it.
I've lived in southwest Florida my whole life. I have a
wonderful family, fabulous friends, and consider myself blessed beyond reason.
I swim, work out, meditate, read, and spend time with the aforementioned
friends and family. I try to find joy in the little things in life and to find
the lessons in the hard times. Life is truly what we make it, and I choose to
make mine fantastic.
I actually do have another identity. I have written eighteen
books, mostly paranormal romantic suspense, under the name Tina Wainscott.
Check out my website at Unfortunately those books are
out of print right now, but some of them are available new and even signed. If
you're interested, use the contact form. I'm working on getting them into
e-book format. If you like the Jaime books, I think you'll like most of my
earlier books, too.
What inspired me to write the Offspring series? I love
television shows like The X-Files, Lost, Highlander, and Roswell. Ah, the
romance, the action, the group dynamics, and those delicious paranormal
elements! So I created a series that rolls all of what I miss into one package.
I became fascinated when I read about the classified
experiments the government undertook that explored using psychic abilities.
Even though it's been declassified, much of what the various agencies did has
been kept secret. I thought, "Wow, this stuff is real!" (See links
below for more). Then, of course, my devious literary mind started spinning.
What if the subjects of those programs were given something that altered their
DNA and enhanced their abilities? What if their offspring inherited it? And
what if…? Well, you get the idea.
I came up with a group of people who must come together out
of necessity, who bond, grow, encounter terrifying danger, and fall in love.
Each book features a different couple, but we get to see all of the Offspring,
because they're working with (and sometimes against) each other.
Jaime's new book will be in stores tomorrow, May 29, so check it out and get your copy! It's sure to be a fantastic addition to a wonderful series!!!
Offspring #6
They live ordinary lives, but they are extraordinary.
They are the Offspring, children of a mysterious experiment gone awry—and they are in terrible danger.
Power Junkie: Lachlan McLeod spent wild years astrally projecting himself into other times and places. But he doesn't get out much anymore—not after the fatal mistake that cost him a precious loved one.
Pixie Fugitive: Jessie isn't having a bad day. She's having a bad lifetime. After the terrifying act of supernatural violence that destroyed her family, she's been on the run for years. But now her ruthless enemy is drawing closer . . . and her own powers have finally awakened.
They're two people who don't play well with others. But they're going to have to learn to, and quickly. Because they're the only two people in the world who can save each other — and their passion is the only thing that can save the world
They are the Offspring, children of a mysterious experiment gone awry—and they are in terrible danger.
Power Junkie: Lachlan McLeod spent wild years astrally projecting himself into other times and places. But he doesn't get out much anymore—not after the fatal mistake that cost him a precious loved one.
Pixie Fugitive: Jessie isn't having a bad day. She's having a bad lifetime. After the terrifying act of supernatural violence that destroyed her family, she's been on the run for years. But now her ruthless enemy is drawing closer . . . and her own powers have finally awakened.
They're two people who don't play well with others. But they're going to have to learn to, and quickly. Because they're the only two people in the world who can save each other — and their passion is the only thing that can save the world
1. What inspired you to become a writer and did you always know
you would write?
I've been writing since I can remember, or at least making up
stories. I see the stories like a movie in my head. I love getting snippets
that way, like a scene that plays out, usually either a sexy scene or a
conflict scene. I knew I would be a writer, but it wasn't until I was in my
twenties that romantic suspense picked me. Until then I wrote all kinds of
short stories. Paranormal elements have usually played into my stories as well.
My first published book (now e-pubbed as Until I Die Again) had a heroine was
killed in the first scene and gets a second chance … in another woman's body! I
love twisting the paranormal my way.
2. Who were your favorite authors growing up and who are your
favorites now? Do you have a favorite book?
I devoured collections of Alfred Hitchcock short stories as a
kid. I loved the original two V.C. Andrews series, too. I don't think there was
a book that inspired me to write, per se. But I loved the idea of going into my
imagination as I read, and that's what I love about writing, too. I read Ilona
Andrews' series and Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series. I wish I had more
time to read! My favorite book would probably be Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
That book moved me, sucked me in and wrung me dry.
3. When you’re not writing, what are your hobbies/interests?
Hm, when am I not writing? I do love to go out on our boat with
friends and/or family.
4. What does a typical writing day look like for you?
I try to start out with a little meditation to ground myself in
the day, and then I tackle email and a bit of social networking. Then I work on
whatever it is I'm doing at the moment. Usually it's editing.
5. Fun Question: If you could to any place, where would you go
and why?
I've always wanted to go to Greece. When I was a teenager, I saw
this movie called "Summer Lovers". It was set in Greece and ever
since, I have this romantic ideal of what it's like there. And I love Greek food!
6. Do you listen to music when writing? If so who do you listen
I listen to the Offspring! Seriously! They're an offbeat group,
sort of punkish rock.
It depends on my mood. Like right now, I have no music on and
the sliding door is open, so all I hear is the wind rushing through the palms
and trees and the occasional bird. I love nature. I make sound tracks for my
characters in iTunes, one for, say, the heroine's character, when she's in a
poignant or emotional place, for sexy scenes and suspense. So when I'm writing
a scene like that, I'll play his or her music. In general, I'll have Sirius's
Alt-Nation channel on.
7. What inspired you to write the Offspring series?
I loved the X-Files and Roswell, and when they went off the air,
I really missed the paranormal abilities, the sense of people being hunted
down, and finding the truth. So I made up my own series with those qualities. I
also loved LOST, where you have a few people all thrown together in a tense
situation, so I used that aspect as well.
8. Do you have a favorite character or book from the series?
I love the first one, A PERFECT DARKNESS. I also really liked
Eric from BURNING DARKNESS because he surprised me. I never intended for him to
be anything but an obnoxious foil and he took on a life of his own. I also
loved BEYOND THE DARKNESS because I wanted to know why Cheveyo couldn't be with
Petra, too. And I like DARKNESS BECOMES HER because it brings in some new
aspects to the series. Lachlan is a perfectly tortured kind of guy, so of course
I had to torture him more (heh heh).
9. With the new book coming out is makes me realize how few
characters are left. I’m assuming the Lachlan’s brother, Magnus, will get his
own book but what about Pope? Will he get his own story?
The future of a series often depends on the publisher, so for
the moment, I don't have definite plans for Pope and Magnus's stories. However,
I promise my readers they will get their stories one way or another. I created
a spin-off group with my novellas (THE DARKNESS WITHIN, March 2012). But yes,
there's a limit as to how many people are in the world. I left loopholes to
bring in others but no one new has stepped up in my creative mind as a
character. Pope was another surprise, I have to say. I had no idea who he was
in the whole scheme of things when he popped into the first book. I love how he
fit into the storyline and who he became, so I'm looking forward to seeing him
get his happy ending.
10. Your new novella, The Darkness Within, was a fantastic
addition to the Offspring series. I know I’ve asked you before but I want to
ask again for our readers too. Will we get to see more of those characters in
their own future stories?
Definitely. And thanks! Shea and Greer will be featured in a
second novella that I'm hoping will come out in the next few months. Cody
hasn't popped in to announce his story yet. Obviously I left room for him,
though. I really enjoy writing the novellas.
11. I saw you mention in a chat a while back that you have a new
series in the works. Can you tell us anything about that? Will it also be PNR?
With The Hidden, I'm really jumping into PNR. Dragons,
Angels, Magick, it's all in there. (okay, no vampires, LOL). I didn't want to
have an overwhelming number of characters/creatures, nor did I want to explore
existing mythologies that are already being used. So I decided to create my own
and keep it somewhat simple. Of course, as it grows, more aspects pop up. Here's
a blurb:
Miami. A melting pot of cultures: American, Cuban, Haitian …
Dragons, Angels, and sorcerers. Magick hides behind the glitter and sunshine,
where humans imbued with the essence of deities keep the balance between angry
and forgotten gods, demons, and those of their kind who cannot fight the
seductive lure of their magick.
I'm am so frickin' excited about this series and world! I have
had so much fun creating the history and mythology, the creatures and abilities,
oh, and sexy Dragon shifters, mysterious angels, and Deuces, who are sorcerers.
I like that they're human, but they have this magick essence that rules their
lives. And I'm thrilled that Grand Central Publishing will be bringing it out
next year. The first book in the trilogy debuts in April, with another in
August and the third in December. Plus I've already written two novellas as a
tasty appetizer. I wrote them first, and they really opened up the world for
me. Something would develop, and I'd have to copy and paste it into my world
notes! I spent as much time doing that as I did writing, I think.
Thank you so much Jaime, for this wonderful interview and the awesome giveaway! We hope you'll come back soon! Jaime and her publisher are offering up a copy of Darkness Becomes Her to one lucky winner, so if you want to win it make sure to fill out the rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.
A Cool Contest for Readers and Writers –A little fame & a little fortune!
Jaime Rush (aka Tina Wainscott) is celebrating the sixth book in her psychic romantic suspense series, DARKNESS BECOMES HER (Avon), with her Kick Butt First Line contest. Shocking, suspenseful…make us want more! Cash prizes! Contest runs from through July 1, 2012. For writers and readers. Check out the entries—they're a lot of fun!
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Post Comments
I would choose Los Angeles 100 years from now. I'd love to see how things had changed (hopefully for the better) and if anything was still recognizable.
Would Love To Be Transported To The Days Where Balls Was Still Going On.
Thanks so much for having me today! :) Happy Memorial Day!
This book sounds great. I would time travel back to Ireland to the time of the druids so I could actually meet one!
I love Jaime and her Offspring series! The books are very addicting and keep getting better with each new addition. Astral projection is really swank- I would love to go to New Zealand or Russia or Poland. I hate flying- so this would be the best substitute. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
probably back 20 years to visit with my mom again
I would go to the Wild Wild West and meet those bad boy cowboys!
This sounds like a great an adult Maximum Ride series! I am going to find the first 5 books in this many are planned??!
Ooh, future LA...sounds like a movie!
Back to the olden days, eh, April? It would be great to experience some of that, but some of it...not so much!
Sounds like you'd like Kevin O'Hearn's books about an Irish druid. And just what would you do with this druid???
Aw, thanks, Sdylion! I'm with you on that, no packing, waiting in security, or sitting on a plane for hours.
Aw, isn't that sweet, Gale. That would be neat to meet your own parent!
I hear ya, books4me! I've got one more story planned.
I'd love to send myself 1000 years into the future (anywhere in the US) to see what the world will be like. I hope we're still here!
I would have to say the 80', I love the 80's. :-P
I'd go into the future when they've cured Diabetes. As a Type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump it's a full time career trying to stay healthy. To be released from that would be awesome. But then again I'd have to take my family with me...
If I could astral project I would go to back to when my parents were kids so I could learn some interesting stuff they wouldn't tell me about.