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Sunday, June 10, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Premiere Giveaway Hop

All the Fun Starts After Dark

Welcome to our stop on the True Blood Season 5 Premiere Hop hosted by Literal Addiction and All The Fun Starts After Dark.

We're joining in on the celebration for sexy vampires and gorgeous werewolves and to show our love we have a very cool Vampire Prize pack. Instead of giving away the Sookie Stackhouse books or other True Blood stuff, we've decided to share our favorite vampires by giving away a couple of our favorite vampire books. Dark Lover by J.R. Ward and When Darkness Comes by Alexandra Ivy. We also have a really cool Vampire theme bookthong made by Dallaluna

This giveaway is for U.S. Residents ONLY. To enter please fill out the rafflecopter below. This contest will run until Saturday June 16. We will pick one winner and announce the next day. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thank you for joining the hop. We really appreciate it.
Happy TrueBlood Premiere Day!
~ Chelle

Tina B said...

I can't see the rafflecopter. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

I can't wait until tonight!!
Thank you for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

It's there now. Sorry about that. Not sure what happened but my code wasn't there. Make sure you both fill out the raffle copter for extra entries too.


Tina B said...

Sorry, Anna, it just shows "a Rafflecopter giveaway" but not a link.

Anonymous said...

I can't find the rafflecopter. I refreshed the page a few times, but it's not there.

Unknown said...

Try now. Everyone who has had trouble up until now will be entered. I'll make sure just in case someone isn't able to use the rafflecopter. I've never had a problem before but I'm a bit frazzled today. The kiddos are running crazy. LOL


Tina B said...

You got it now, Anna!!! Great job! Thanks. :)

Emily said...

I love Eric, both in the show and the books. I can't wait to see what happens with him this season!!

Tina B said...

One of my favorite vamps is Stefan from Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series. I would love to read a series based on him. :)
Thank you for the fabulous giveaway! I have not read either of these books, but they are both on my TBR.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be up again, better hurry. I am hoping for Sookie and Eric together again and tonights episode should tell us what happened with she gets turned or is really truly dead, which i hope not. I kinda think it's perfect if she gets turned because she hates vampires. I love Eric and Franklin! IN BDB I love John Matthew, in Vamp Academy, I love Adrian, in Monere Children of the Moon series, I love Dante'...


The Brothers from the BDB top my list of favorite vampires. A few other favorites are Bones, Eric, and the vampires from the Vampires In America series by DB Reynolds.

I am super excited about TrueBlood being back tonoght! It looks like it will be a fun season!

Di said...

I've started reading Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed series - read the first three - have to get back to them.

I don't see the rafflecoppter thingy. Thanks for being apart of th hop.



I like bad boys

AmyS. said...

I can't wait to see more shirtless Eric and Alcide. J also want to see how the go about saving Tara since she had that unfortunate accident. Thanks for the giveaway.

Angie said...

I just can't wait to see how all of the annoying cliffhangers of last season get sorted out

DBookWhore said...

I wanna know what happen with TARA!!! It is killing me!

Anonymous said...

I am digging the BDB right now. But it is too hard to pick a fav! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win your giveaway <3
but I am not a US resident!!
IDK if its fine if i take part!!

Unknown said...

I have just started with True Blood and am excited to be a fan girl!

Unknown said...

I have just started with True Blood and am excited to be a fan girl!

Vanessa N. said...

I love Eric and Devereax from The Vampire Shrink by Lynda Hilburn.

My favorite vampires right now are the Midnight Breed from Lara Adrian's series of the same name! I listen to most of my books on audio and Hilary Huber's narration makes these stories even more HOT HOT HOT !

mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com

Sayomay said...

My favorite vamp is still Edward Cullen! :D

c.c said...

My favorite vampire will always be Gary Oldman as Dracula but I love me some Eric too:)

SdyLion said...

I love Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed vampire series. They are interesting, hawt, and very powerful. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

Barbara said...

I love J.R. Ward's BDB's, Lara Adrian Breeds, Alexandra Ivy's Guardians of Eternity and Hannah Howell's Highland Vampires. On True Blood...this season I'm looking forward to seeing Quinn. Thx for the AWESOME giveaway op!

barbbattaglia @

Anne said...

Stefan from Patricia brigg's Mercedes Thompson series. He's an honestly good vampire.

Anonymous said...

Eric is my favorite vampire (in any series). I've read the books and watched the TV show. I've read lots of other vampire books, but Eric wins.

jlhmass @ yahoo . com

Rachel said...

Eric from True Blood is my favorite, but don't laugh, I do have a thing for Twilight's Edward :)

Eric would be my favorite on tv but in a book it would have to be Phury from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. Gale

Unknown said...

What am I looking forward to? More HOT scenes with those drool-worthy yummy men!! LOL!!

Unknown said...

My fave vamps are all of the BDB and Cat & Bones (!)

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Eric Northman and Wraith from Larissa Ione's Demonica series


Froggy said...

Bones from the night huntress series! :)


Juana said...

My favorite vampire from the movie Queen of the Damned is Lestat (Peter Townsend), and from a book is Talen from Fated by Rebecca Zanetti.


Anonymous said...

Edward :)

Helen said...

thomas argeneau (lynsay sands)

JoAnna said...

I love Mick St. James from Moonlight. He was hot!

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