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Friday, August 24, 2012
Blog Tour: "Fire on the Island" by J.K. Hogan (Interview/Excerpt/Giveaway)
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm a country girl and I provide my husband with endless
amusement with what I'll call my “dialectal idiosyncrasies.” I'm an avid reader
and an artist in addition to being an author, and I also enjoy dog sports such
as agility and dock diving. My husband and I are also expecting our first
How long have you been writing?
I've been making up stories probably since the time I
learned to talk, but I only started writing them down in the last 10 years or
so. (That makes me sound old, doesn't it? I'm only 30, I promise!) It was only
in the last year that I actually completed something that I thought was worth
Tell us about FIRE ON THE ISLAND. What’s the story about?
It's about a young Scottish woman
who finds herself mixed up in a battle with demons trying to take over the
human world. Along the way she meets a parapsychologist who comes to Scotland
to investigate rumors of her being a witch. Much to both of their surprise, the
rumors turn out to be true! Together they must find a way to defeat Alastore,
the demon king, and close the gate between the worlds before Samhain, when he
is the strongest. You'll have to read to find out how they do it!
How did the idea of the story come to you?
Would you believe it just popped into my head? Memories from
a recent trip to Scotland—specifically the Isle of Arran where the story takes
place—gave me Isla, my heroine, and the setting. Blues concerts with my friend,
especially New Orleans' own Tab Benoit, gave me Jeremiah and his love of blues
guitar. The rest just happened. My husband took me out to dinner one night and
I told him I planned to write a book. I then spent the next two hours blurting
out the entire story. He was so sweet about it—even as his eyes glazed over.
Are you a planner or a pantser?
Definitely a panster. I'll have a concept or a general idea
of a plot (see above) but I'm definitely the 'sit down and write' type.
Occasionally I'll have to storyboard a bit if I write myself into a corner, but
that doesn't happen often.
What’s the hardest part of writing for you?
Contrary to what many may believe, a lot of it is hard, but
rewarding as well. Right now, I'm finding the hardest part to be actually being
able to sit down and focus when I have the opportunity to write. Scenes tend to
come to me at the most inopportune times, but when I have a block of time with
no interruptions, I struggle to get it out. When that happens, I generally just
let it stew until it has to come out, no matter what I'm doing!
What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?
Definitely my iPod. And coffee. Lots of coffee.
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
I'd be able to fly. Kind of cliché I know, but I used to
have these wonderful dreams as a kid where if I just ran fast enough and jumped
high enough, I could take off!
What's the weirdest thing you've googled?
Oh boy, I have a disturbingly curious nature so I've
probably googled just about everything under the sun—some not fit for polite
company. To make it easier, I'll keep it in the context of my book. The
funniest thing I googled while researching for FIRE ON THE ISLAND was a variety
of Cajun and French Cajun slang, curses and insults. It was pretty
Quick writing test! Use the following words in a
sentence: rigorous, satin, and vacuum.
“She rigorously vacuumed the satin sheets after her lover
shed all over them.” Shapeshifters, anyone?
Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably...
Reading! I know, *snore*. But it's true! I'm so addicted to
reading, I sometimes have to force myself to put down my Kindle so I can write
my own books. If not reading, than I can be found practicing or competing in
dog agility. Google it, it's really fun!
Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting
you. Let's hear your shout outs.
My husband James, and my family have been super supportive.
Also my group of friends from the place we train for agility, Dog Haven, has
been amazing. They were always encouraging me in the process of writing and
publishing this book. Lastly, I have to give a shout out to my favorite
musicians, Jonny Lang and Tab Benoit for providing the soundtrack to the story
in my head.
And finally, where can people find you and your book
I love talking to readers. You can find me here:
And my book:
Amazon Kindle:
"It's a whole hive of the
things," Jeremiah whispered. The auchrim merely stared at them,
unmoving. Through the enveloping mist, they were strangely androgynous.
Multiple copies of the original, a perfect similacra of Alastore.
The creatures parted, making way for
a lone figure to step forward. Well, if it wasn't the original himself.
Alastore was dressed impeccably in
steel gray trousers and a black dress shirt. His black hair was swept away from
his face and slicked back. He looked every bit the gentleman, from the sharp,
patrician features, all the way to the tips of his black Gucci loafers.
He was the proverbial wolf in
sheep's clothing.
Squeezing between Callum and Amy,
Isla moved to stand in front of her friends. Jeremiah and Marduk flanked her on
either side, bracing for the worst.
While the three of them knew exactly
what they were dealing with, the rest of the searchers had been left in the
dark. Callum's gruff voice echoed in the cavern.
"Just who in the hell is
this joker?"
Fiddling with his diamond
cufflink, Alastore raised an eyebrow and his lips quirked in a half smile.
Rich, disembodied laughter bounced around the recesses of the cave.
"Legio nomen mihi
est, quia multi sumus," came the quiet answer.
"What? What did he
Jere cleared his throat
and flicked a nervous glance behind him at Callum. "He said 'My name is
Legion, for we are many'."
"Demon that quotes
the Bible. Cute," Amy said.
Alastore glided closer to
where Isla stood, causing Jeremiah to surge forward. He was stayed by a calm
hand on his arm.
"It was generous of
you, witch, to bring us all of these extra souls. I can assure you, they will
be put to good use." The demon smiled his gruesome, serrated smile, and
actually winked at her. Winked. This time Jeremiah was the one who had
to restrain her from going for his throat.
After a brief moment of
stillness, Alastore executed a crisp about face and walked back to his minions
who, again, made way for him. Just as he passed the front ranks, he paused and
turned his head toward the auchrim closest to him.
His voice was as gentle as
it was deadly when he spoke.
"Take them."
Hogan has been telling stories for as long as she can remember, beginning with
writing cast lists and storylines for her toys growing up. When she finally
decided to put pen to paper, magic happened. She is greatly inspired by all
kinds of music and often creates a “soundtrack” for her stories as she writes
J.K. resides in North
Carolina, where she was born and raised. A true southern girl at heart, she
lives on a farm with her husband and their three horses, one miniature donkey,
one cat, and two champion agility dogs.
In addition to writing, she
enjoys training and competing in dog sports, spending time with her large
southern family, camping, boating and, of course, reading! Please feel free to
visit J.K.’s contact page—she’d love to hear from you!
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thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the book sounds wonderful.
tammy ramey