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Friday, October 26, 2012
Interview & Giveaway with Samantha Kane
Please give a warm Welcome to Samantha Kane, who we had a pleasure to interview for our stop on her Blog Tour of "The Devil's Thief".
1. Tell us 5 things about yourself that readers may not know about you.
1. I've been married for 16 years.
2. I have 3 children ages 12, 8, and 6.
3. I have a Master's degree in American History.
4. I used to teach high school Social Studies.
5. I live in the South.
2. What does a typical writing day look for you?
Get kids off to school, sit down with my tea and answer email and do other kinds of administrative things. Hopefully get some writing in. I try to write in 15 minute slots, with a short break in between. Go to the gym for about an hour. Eat, shower, take care of basis necessity stuff. Write some more. Pick kids up from school. Do mom job. Put kids to bed. Write some more. Fall into bed. Wake up and do it again.
3. If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be?
Tired, busy, frazzled, funny, stressed. Can you tell I'm moving in one month? LOL
4. Tell us a little bit about "The Devil's Thief" and why readers should check it out?
The Devil's Thief is the first book in a new Regency historical romance series called The Saint's Devils. The series is about a group of rakes who've been friends since their school days. Their unofficial leader is Sir Hilary St. John, a sort of brilliant, hedonistic Sherlock Holmes character. The Devil's Thief is about Alasdair Sharp, a well to-do gentleman whose famous family heirloom The Stewart Pearl is stolen by Miss Julianna Harte, a quiet lady who needs the money from the pearl to save the foundling home she sponsors. When Alasdair catches Julianna stealing the pearl she lies about her identity and he thinks she's an experienced thief, a product of the underworld. So he offers her a bargain--one night in his bed for the pearl. He nevers means to keep the bargain, however. He plans to pay her off with something else in the morning and make her his mistress. But when morning comes Julianna has disappeared with his pearl and Alasdair has to enlist the aid of his friends to find her and his family heirloom.
5. How did you come up with "The Devil's Thief"?
Many years ago I came up with the concept of the Alasdair and Julianna characters, but in a different series context. Another author and I discussed doing that series together. That idea fell through because of schedules and prior committments, so I shelved it. Then came Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes, and the Sir Hilary St. John character came to me, and Alasdair and Julianna and their story fit so well with his character The Saint's Devils were born.
6. What was the hardest scene to write in "The Devil's Thief"?
There's a scene between Alasdair and Julianna in the garden where he is very angry because he thinks she has another lover and the two of them conspired to steal his pearl and use him. He thinks Julianna is using sex to manipulate him and he nearly forces himself on her in the garden, although Julianna doesn't protest until she realizes how angry he is. There was a very fine line in that scene and it was rewritten several times before my editor and I were satisfied with it. It's an important scene, however, because it makes Alasdair realize he can't do it because he already cares for her too much and no matter how angry he is and no matter what she's done he's a gentleman and he can't treat a woman like that. It changes the nature of their relationship.
7. How do you choose the names for your characters in your books?
Sometimes they just come to me. I used a play on words in this book. Alasdair's last name, Sharp, is a family name descended from Charles Stewart, and I researched that because the pearl was the Stewart Pearl with a connection to Bonnie Prince Charlie. Sharp is also a synonym for deceitful, smart and clever, which he is throughout the book. And Alasdair is a great Scottish name. Because I wanted to use some quotes and scenes from Romeo and Juliet in the book, I chose Julianna, which is close to Juliet. And Harte was chosen because, even though she's the thief, she does it for the right reasons. Her actions are always dictated by her heart. Sir Hilary St. John's name came about because I wanted a name with Saint in it. And I've always wanted to write a hero with the name Hilary. I have not idea why, lol. I think because it's so British and rather effeminate and I wanted to turn that on it's head. But I'm not always that clever, lol. Sometimes I just go to the internet and a random name generator and give it a spin. That's usually when I'm tempted to use a name I've used in a previous book for a main character. I don't want to have five books with Maggie's in them.
8. When you're not writing, what are your hobbies and interests?
I love to knit. It's very zen and soothing and I go to a happy place, even if my life is spinning out of control, which happens with 3 young kids and a career as we all know. I also love decorating. My husband is in the furniture industry and I get to see all kinds of new decorating trends. Because of his job we have a lot of one-of-a-kind pieces in our home. We've just bought a new house and I'm having so much fun looking for new things for it.
9. What is next for Samantha Kane?
I'm working on the third book in The Saint's Devil's series right now. I'm going to be releasing a short story and a novella in my erotic Regency series Brothers in Arms before the end of this year. Next year will see the release of the second book in The Saint's Devils, and another full length Brothers in Arms.
10. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Just THANK YOU! Without you, none of this would be possible.
Fun questions
11. If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?
Super strength. I'm a serious weakling. I can't even open jars. Pathetic.
12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
The Great Wall of China, or Machu Picchu. As a History teacher, I taught about man's great accomplishments but still have so many to see.
13. If you were stranded on an island, what three things must you have to survive?
Fresh water, shade, companionship.
14. If you could have dinner with one famous person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
Queen Elizabeth I. She was a woman ahead of her time, incredibly brilliant and powerful.
15. If you star in one of your favorite tv shows, which one would it be and why?
The Voice! I want to judge. Some of the people the judges pick mystify me.
The Devil's Thief
(The Saint Devils #1)
by: Samantha Kane
Publishing Date: 11/12/12
Publisher: Random House Digital (LoveSwept)
Genre: Historical Romance
In Samantha Kane’s sensual tale of wicked passion, a desperate woman must resort to burglary—but the beautiful thief ends up stealing the heart of a rogue.
The daughter of a reformed jewel thief, Julianna Harte knows a thing or two about stealth. When the foundling home she provides for finds itself in dire financial straits, Julianna is forced to do the unthinkable. In a bit of misguided Robin Hood derring-do, she slips through the window of a wealthy rake to search for a treasure she knows is there: an invaluable pearl. But when the towering and very naked occupant of the moonlit bedroom ambushes her with a bargain—a night in his bed in exchange for the pearl—Julianna doesn’t know if it’s masculine heat or sheer desperation that makes his terms so tempting.
Alasdair Sharpe had no intention of keeping his end of the bargain. Planning to offer his little cat burglar carte blanche instead, he promptly loses himself in the delights of unexpected pleasure. But when he awakes the next morning to find his family heirloom gone, fury quickly replaces sensual languor. Of course, Alasdair is more than willing to use seduction to reclaim his stolen pearl—and find the key to Julianna’s heart.
Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: About Last Night, Blaze of Winter, and Lana’s Lawman.
Samantha Kane lives in North Carolina with her husband of fifteen years and three children, two boys and one girl. She spent seven years as a high school history teacher before becoming a full time writer and mom. Ms. Kane has a Master's degree in American History.
She loves to hear from readers, so please email her today.
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I love historical romances with heat. The Devil's Thief is just my type of book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy Halloween!!
Thanks so much for the contest!
This looks pretty good. I like Julianna being a female Robin Hood.
This book looks like it packs a lot of romance and sizzle. I love the cover. Thanks for the chance to win. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com