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Monday, January 14, 2013

Night of the Tiger by N.J. Walters (Interview & Giveaway)

Today we have N.J. Walters here with us talking about her upcoming release Night of the Tiger, due in stores as of tomorrow (1/15/13) and I am SO EXCITED to finally get the chance to read it. :) It was an honor to get to interview N.J. and because I like to spread the love I'll be giving away one kindle copy of Night of the Tiger to a lucky winner. Just fill out the rafflecopter at the bottom of the post to enter! :)

Night of the Tiger
(Hades' Carnvial #1)
(Taken from Goodreads)

To win the battle for his soul, he may have to sacrifice the woman who set him free.

Aimee Horner lives and breathes her career as a graphic novel illustrator, but she never expected it would invade her dreams. In recent months, worsening nightmares have pulled her into the darkest corners of Hell.

On a rare night out with friends at a traveling carnival, she finds herself strangely drawn to an abandoned carousel adorned with vividly exotic animals. One steed, a massive white tiger, is a temptation she can’t resist. The moment she climbs upon him, her world changes forever.

More than five thousand years ago, Roric and his fellow shapeshifting warriors were imprisoned in their animal forms, a last-ditch effort by the goddess they served to save them from the horrors of Hell.

With one special woman’s touch, he has a chance at freedom and redemption—but the clock is ticking. If he is still alive in twenty-four hours, the spell will be broken, and Hell will have no claim on his soul. The only hitch is his blazing attraction to Aimee. If only he could trust that she isn’t merely a distraction sent by Hades—luscious bait to lure him from his mission.

Product Warnings
This book contains an ancient curse, an imprisoned goddess, a graphic artist and the hot shapeshifting immortal warrior who turns her life upside down while they battle Hades and his minions for their immortal souls. There is also plenty of hot sex between the heroine and her hot, shapeshifting warrior. Just saying.

Hi NJ! Thank you so much for stopping by! I am SO excited to be able to interview you since I’m a big fan!!!

1 Tell us 3 things about yourself that we can’t learn on the internet.

Thank you so much for having me at Book Lovin’ Mamas. I’m so thrilled to be here.

Three things you might not know about me…
1.  I’m a vegetarian and have been since about 1997.
2.  I’ve never owned a microwave.
3.  My first job was as an Avon lady when I was a teenager.

2 What or who inspired you to start writing?

I’ve always loved to read, especially romance, but it was my husband who encouraged me to write. Without his support I might never have written my first book.

3 Where do you get your inspiration for your stories and characters?

That’s a question I get asked a lot and the answer is—everywhere. It can come from magazines, books, television, a snippet of overheard conversation or, occasionally, seemingly from out of nowhere. Often it may come from the combination of two seemingly unrelated ideas.

My book Christina’s Tapestry was born when two ideas collided. I’d been wanting to write a ménage a trois book for a while and had the heroine in mind. Then I was in a bookstore and happened to pick up a book on Medieval tapestries. My mind started asking the “what if” questions. What if there was a magic tapestry that brought women to a medieval-like world? What if they had the choice to stay there or go home again? And what if women were in short supply in this world? From there the story and series evolved.

4 I’ve read quite a few of your books (actually a lot), which of your series is/was your favorite to write?

Now that’s a tough question. I think my favorite is whatever I’m currently working on because that’s what I’m passionate about at the moment. I’m always trying to improve as a writer and make each book I write better than the last one. I think that’s important.

Of course, Annabelle Lee will always be special because it was my first published book. The Tapestries series and the Legacy series are also very special because they’re the two series that readers seem to love the most.

5 Who are some of your favorite authors? Favorite books?

That would be a very long list. I love Jayne Ann Krentz, Linda Howard, Julie Garwood, Suzanne Brockmann, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, J. R. Ward, Shelly Laurenston, Laurann Dohner, Nora Roberts… I could go on and on. There are so many wonderful writers and I love discovering new ones I haven’t read before.

6 Could you tell us a little bit about this new series, Hades’ Carnival and how you came up with the idea for it?

The idea for the Hades’ Carnival series came about a few years back. I was on one of my yahoo groups and someone posted a quiz—Which carnival ride would you be? I did the quiz and, no surprise to me, I would be the carousel. It got me thinking about carousels and the animals on them. I imagined a carousel with more exotic animals than the normal horses. Then the “what if” questions began. What if they were really shape-shifting immortal warriors? How did they end up trapped in their animal forms on a carnival ride? Who owns the carnival? How would they be freed? All these questions led me to write the four book Hades’ Carnival series…

More than five thousand years ago, seven shapeshifting warriors were imprisoned in their animal forms as a last-ditch effort by the goddess they served to save them from the god Hades and the horrors of Hell. Now with one special woman’s touch, the remaining warriors have a chance at freedom and redemption—but the clock is ticking. If the warrior is still alive in twenty-four hours, the spell will be broken and Hades’ will have no claim on his soul. But the warrior is not only fighting to save his soul, but that of the woman who freed him.

7 Do you ever base your characters on real people?

No. I may take certain aspects or traits of real people, but all my characters are their own creation, and they’re very real to me. J

8 What was the hardest scene to write in Night of the Tiger? The easiest scene?

I didn’t really have a hardest or easiest scene to write in Night of the Tiger. My writing doesn’t work that way. I sit at the computer and the scenes unfold and I simply write them down. I’ve often said that all I do is take dictation. That’s just the way it works for me. Sometimes I get emotional when I’m writing and a scene will even make me laugh or cry. That’s when I know the writing is really going well.

9 Do you have anything you want to say to your readers?

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who has ever read one of my  books. Thank you for allowing me to delve into different genres and stretch myself as a writer. Your continued support allows me to write full-time and it’s the best job in the world!

10 And now one just for me. Will you ever go back to your Shadow Ryders series? I miss them. L

I love writing the Shadow Ryders. Unfortunately, that series has not been popular with many readers, which makes it difficult for me to leave more popular series and spend the time necessary to write the next book. I know I will go back to them someday, but I just don’t know when. I find that those readers who have read the Shadow Ryder books are as passionate about them as I am. I haven’t forgotten them, but it will be a while until I get back to them.

Thank you so much for being here today NJ! It was a pleasure and I can’t wait to read this new book!!!

It’s my pleasure. I hope you enjoy Night of the Tiger!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Night of the Tiger seems like a terrific read! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

Julie K

laurie said...

night of the Tiger seems like a terrific read! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.


This book sounds really good! I love shapeshifters and hunky warriors! I love the concept of the book and I have added it to my TBR list! I am also going to check out your Shadow Ryder series! Thanks to Book Lovin' Mamas for sharing the post and the giveaway!!

Thanks, Julie, Laurie and Elizabeth. I'm so excited about this new series.

Unknown said...

Elizabeth, I LOVE her Shadow Ryders, they're so good!!! :) But I'm sure you read that in the interview. LOL Spread the word so maybe N.J. can continue with those hunky warriors too! ;)

~Anna @ BLM

I hope to get back to my Shadow Ryders some day, Anna. :)

jmcgaugh said...

This sounds really good!

Glad you think so, jmcgaugh. :)

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. Night of the Tiger sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.

donnas said...

Sounds great. Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks, Joanne and Donna!

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