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Sunday, June 2, 2013
Sugar Daddy by Rie Warren Blog Tour (Interview/Review/Giveaway)
Welcome to Book Lovin’ Mamas! We are so glad to have
you here today!
Thanks so much, Anna! I
love chatting with new victims folks.
1. Tell us 3 things about yourself that readers may
not be able find out about you on the web.
Oooh, starting off with a tough one!
1. I brush my teeth obsessively. Probably
5-6 times a day. (remember Stephen King’s Tommyknockers?
The guy’s teeth all fell out. I read that when I was 14, I think it scarred me
for life.
2. Oh, speaking of Stephen King…I used to
work at a summer camp in Maine near where he spent summers. One day I came upon
him walking down the road and offered to give him a lift. He declined, go
3. This is embarrassing: I use a
pay-as-you-go phone. Yup. In fact, I didn’t even get one with a touchscreen
until last fall, and that was only because the one I’d had since 2004 finally
2. What does a typical writing day look like for you?
It usually involves a lot
of staring out the window by my desk (oh,
look at that adorbs woodpecker on the tree! I have to get a picture. Wait.
Where did I leave my camera? Hmm…what? Oh yes, writing, that’s what I’m doing).
Actually, I’m pretty
disciplined. I’m up at 6 am (horrifying) and at the laptop usually by 9 (don’t
ask me about those other 3 hours). I spend the morning doing biz-type stuff
like emails, editing, promotional bits and bobs because my writing brain is
totally offline until about 8 pm. Starting in the evening, I shut myself in my
woman cave and go at it with a fury for about 4 hours. Pity the poor child who
dares to cross the threshold of my sacred writing lair…
3. Could you give us a little sneak peek of how your
research process happens with a new book or series?
Definitely, but my process
will probably give most people nightmares ;-). I start woolgathering months in
advance, usually when I’m finishing up my latest novel. It all begins with a
scene, a character, a genre I want to explore or even a bit of lol-so funny dialogue. I throw
everything I think of (all those scribbles on napkins, shreds of paper, gum
wrappers) into one doc, sectioned off into specific headings. It includes
characters, worldbuilding, songs I listen to, *stuff* (hint-hint, you know what
I mean, right?) I watch for ‘sinspiration’, scenes, chapters, etc. Then, when
I’ve sent off the latest novel, all I do is plot in everything I’ve stowed away
and voila! Instant NYC bestseller!! ßKidding, ‘course.
4. When you’re not writing, what are your hobbies/interests?
Sleep. Seriously. Reading!
Avid, huge, rabid reader over here. Is wine an interest? I mean drinking it,
not learning about it like a sommelier. Um, I exercise, but that’s more like
personal torture. I love, love, love exploring the lowcountry! There’s just
something so compelling about the Charleston area…I can’t get enough of it and
feel so lucky to live here.
5. Do you ever base your characters on people you know
in real life?
Absolutely not, noooo. Okay, well not specifically,
however, a lot of patchwork pieces in my books are nods to things I’ve seen,
heard, chuckled over in real life. A snippet of conversation in my local gas
station (let me tell you, my Exxon on a Friday night? Always good for a story
or two), bumper stickers, random hilariousness—these things do find their way
into my plots and characters.
6. Do you have anything specific you want to say to
your readers, maybe about what’s coming in the future from you or anything
YES! Well, I don’t know if
I have any readers yet because Sugar
Daddy releases June 3rd but if I do get lucky enough to have
some readers: I love you all from top to bottom! Next? In His Command (Don’t Tell Book I) is a sexy, dystopian male-male
novel coming August 6th from Grand Central Publishing-Forever Yours.
So excited about that too! I’ve put the first novel in my paranormal series to
bed and should have some details about where and when that’s coming soon.
Aaaand (see, all that up
there is what happens when you don’t sleep at night), I’m thinking about
writing a rom-com this summer. Strictly for self-pub.
Thank you so much and we hope you will come back
again! :)
Thanks to you! It’s been
an absolute pleasure.
Social Media links:
Sugar Daddy
(Lowcountry Heat #1)
Release Date: June 3
Genre: Erotica
Source: Provided by author
She needs a job. He wants a mistress. Hearts and contracts are bound to get broken.
Shay Greer is pure GRITS—a Girl Raised In The South–but nowhere near a demure southern belle. She’s looking for a way out of her broken down marriage when she lands an unexpected job offer she really should refuse. Position? Mistress. Fringe Benefits? Of course. Fraternization with sexy CEO Reardon Boone? Required. Lured by the promise of intimacy missing from her failed marriage, Shay signs on. She’s barely survived a hellish year of heartbreak and needs a fresh start, but she gets more than she bargained for with lowcountry-boy-made-good Reardon Boone.
Bankrolling Shay into his bedroom, Reardon sticks by his tried and true rules: no-strings-attached seduction, no messy emotions, absolutely nothing resembling a relationship. This sassy, sultry woman fits the bill precisely…until she arouses more than his erotic appetite.
So desirable he sets hearts on fire in everyone from downtown debutantes to downhome mommas, Reardon is as irresistible as he is unattainable. Shay falls hard despite their unorthodox arrangement. Determined to discover what’s concealed beneath his Forbes 400 facade, she has no idea how close to home the truth will hit.
CONTENT WARNING: Hotter than a South Carolina summer.
I wasn’t sure about this book when I started reading it, I
had never heard of this author before and I didn’t know what to expect. It’s
not really my normal type of read either but I took a chance. I’m still one the
fence about how I liked it. There are things I loved about it and things I didn’t
like so much.
I loved the characters, they were hilarious! Especially the
moms!!! And those southern sayings, I’ve heard a few of those myself before in
my life! LOL And OH MAMA did Reardon and Shay burn up the sheets!?!? It was
hot! They had some explosive chemistry!!! The ending was pretty good too! All
wrapped up pretty and with their HEA! LOVE those HEA’s!!! J
I didn’t like that Shay was cheating on her husband
throughout the whole book. I understand why she would do that and it was really
nice to see her with someone that made her happy but I just felt it could have
gone a bit different with the husband. It’s just not something I enjoy reading
about. Also I felt the word y’all was over used and in quite a few instances
wrongly used (in my southern opinion). To be fair I’ll give an example. Y’all
is plural they way it’s used here, I wouldn’t walk up to one person and say “How
y’all doin’?” I would only say that to a group of people. It annoyed me a
little. But don’t let this keep you from reading the book! For all I know it’s
just not used that way here and that’s why it sounds wrong to me. The story is
really good and this can easily be over looked!
All in all I enjoyed the book and I’m interested in what’s
to come for future books in this series. After reading this one I can only
expect it’ll be just as entertaining as this one. If you enjoy raw, down and
dirty erotica, you have got to read this book! J
After breakfast we sauntered to the beach. In the soft white dunes, Reardon pitched an umbrella on account of my fair skin. Impatient for me to shed my gauzy wrap, he urged me on. “I take it you packed a bathing suit after all?”
Aw, did I detect a note of disappointment that I wasn’t actually going to skinny dip?
Shucking the cover-up, I twirled and tossed it at him.
He crinkled it in his fists, stepping back, closing his eyes, and pitching a tent in his shorts.
“You’re...uh.” He tugged his shorts, tugged his hair, and took all of me in. “Mmm, Shay.” His hand wavered over my cleavage spilling from the small Granny Smith green triangles of material. “Now that should be illegal.”
A group of college boys walked by, tossing a football back and forth and staring at me longer than was appropriate. Or maybe it was the beautiful house behind us.
Reardon grumbled, “Should’ve thought twice about bringing you to the beach.” No, it was me.
Pleased with my unveiling, I sat down, dug out my book, and ignored it in favor of ogling a very antsy Reardon, who finally announced, “I’m going for a swim, I need to do something about my…” He rubbed his lips. “You. Yeah. I’m goin’ for a swim.”
He jogged to the surf, every muscle a mirror of the rippling sea current.
The water was too warm to be refreshing, but I swam out after him. I kissed from his shoulders to the indent of his spine, running my fingers along the sinews of his ribs. Diving under, he surfaced behind me, effortlessly tossing me into the eddying tide.
We swam together and joked. Splashed and laughed and made out until I was wrapped around his waist, and he was absolutely hard everywhere.
Rie is offering up one eBook copy of Sugar Daddy to one lucky commenter. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment and make sure you leave you email address so we can contact you if you are the winner! :)
Comments to win the ebook closes Tuesday,
June 4th, 2013 at 12 pm EST.
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Thanks for the interview, review and excerp. I love Rie Warren's sense of humor ;)
This is a new to me author and I love the sound of this book! Put it on my wish list...
Thanks Anna and Book Lovin' Mamas for having me over!
Wonderful comments, Kathy and Red Iza. Thanks so much!
Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com