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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione - Reviewed by Anna

Eternal Rider
Author: Larissa Ione
Series: Lords of Deliverance book #1
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Edition: Audio book
Source: Bought via Audible.com
Rating: 5 Stars
Buy: Amazon and Barnes & Noble

"They are here. They ride. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."         (From the back of the book.)

Ares is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, War, and he knows all too well that his time is coming to an end. His brother's, who is now Pestilence, seal has already broken and he's spreading disease throughout the world and now he's after Ares. The fallen angel who holds Ares' agimortis is killed but before that can happen he transfers the agimortis to Cara, a human healer. Cara has no idea about any of the things she's about to learn when she sees the truth hidden in plain sight. Demon's, Vampires, and other much worse creatures have been hiding forever with humans, blending in and now she sees them for what they really are. Evil! Now that Ares' time has come he still continues to fight against his brother and his destiny to save the fate of the world.

Cara has been living in fear for a while now, ever since the attack she went through. Now that she's faced with much much worse a fate she comes to realize she wasn't living at all. Being the one to hold Ares' agimortis has been a blessing and a curse. A curse because it's killing her but a blessing because it's opened her eyes to the life she has been missing and the love she could possibly have. But first her and Ares must fight Pestilence's evil minions and hurry to find a fallen angel before it's too late to save Cara and Ares. With the help of some very nice Demons and Ares' brother and sister they take on the most sinister kind of evil ever known. 

Love love loved this book! It was so so good! I first must comment on the super sexy cover image. YUMMY! The cover is what sold it for me. I know I know, never judge a book by it's cover but come on! Look at it! Wouldn't you want to read or as in my case listen to a book with a cover that hot? Anyways back to the important part....what's inside that beautiful cover.

Since I haven't read the Demonica series yet I can't compare this book to those in that series. I can however tell you that I loved this book enough to go back and read the Demonica series. It's been on my TBR list for months and has now moved to the top. The characters in this book were interesting and so amusing. I loved how Cara and Ares were with each other, it was so funny at some points in the book and so hot at others. They had great chemistry together and I think that's a major reason I loved the book so much. I always enjoy entering into a new fantasy world and this book was no different. The world Larissa Ione built was fantastic and it made me want to jump right in and explore all of the wonderfully evil creatures myself. And no, they weren't all evil but it just sounds so good that way!

I can not wait to read the next book in the series and find out what happens to Ares' sister. That should be a very interesting story because that girl is a feisty one. And it will also be nice to find out how Ares and Cara are doing together and with Pestilence still out to get him and his sister and brother. So until then I will be on the edge of my seat waiting to dive back into this wonderful series! I give this book 5 stars!!!!!

Happy Reading


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