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Friday, March 22, 2013

Review - "Raid" by Kristen Ashley

(Unfinished Hero #2)
Author:  Kristen Ashley
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: 2/27/13
Genre: Erotic Romance
Source: Bought (Amazon)
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Author’s Website: www.kristenashley.net

Hanna Boudreaux has lived in the small town of Willow, Colorado all her life. The great-granddaughter of the town matriarch, she's sweet, cute and quiet.

Too quiet.

Hanna has a moment of epiphany when she realizes her crush for forever, Raiden Ulysses Miller, is not ever going to be hers. She sees her life as narrow and decides to do something about it.

Raiden Miller is the town of Willow's local hero. An ex-marine with the medal to prove his hero status, he comes home, shrouded in mystery. It takes a while but, eventually, Hanna catches his eye.

But after all these years of Raid and Hanna living in the same town, the question is, why? Is Raid interested in Hanna because she's sweet and cute? Or does Raid have something else going on?

O.M.G. I LOVE this author! Raid, as well as Knight from the first book in this series, are seriously close to my dream man. The way they talk, the way they treat their women, the way they handle themselves, they are just perfect in my opinion.

I was very happy with Knight, it's now one of my favorite books, but this one was even better than that one and its definitely on my favorites list now too.

I admit, Raid is really similar to Knight but I still loved him. He has some very distinct differences and those differences make him very very HOTT! Trust me ladies, you want to read this book! To have a man like Raid, well that would be heaven! He's big and bad and so freaking sexy!

(Sorry for all of the exclamation marks, I just can't help myself)

I loved Hanna too! She's hilarious and totally adorable, definitely not someone who you'd think would be with someone like Raid but they fit and they fit well. OH. SO. WELL!!! It's hot, like toe curling, tummy dipping, face heating kind of hot! ;) Her personality is the greatest! I mean she rides a girly bike (tassels and basket and all) and she says "Righty Ho!" 

Other characters were lovable too. Hanna's Great Grandma, who gave me a serious home sickness for my great Grandma (who I miss SO SO much) because the similarities in her and my Nonie were scary similar. It's like she wrote my Nonie into the book. Raid's sister and mom, some of the towns folk were fun. And yes, Knight and Creed made an appearance, Knight only a small one, but hey, he was there and it made me very happy!

Over all, I have to say this book is a definite win with me! Great plot and dialogue, characters you can't help but get emotionally involved with, and some seriously sexy bad boys, and I mean these guys are REAL bad boys, which makes it so much better. The writing was much better in this book, but even if it wasn't I still would have loved it. Every single thing about this book was good for me and it put this author on my auto-buy list, which is a very short list. :) Buy it, read it, love it! You'll thank me when you do!!


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