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Monday, April 30, 2012

Review - "Fairy Tale" by Cyn Balog

Fairy Tale
Publishing Date: 6/23/09
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Genre: YA
Source: Library Book

A captivating and witty dark fantasy that will have girls lusting after it.
Morgan Sparks has always known that she and her boyfriend, Cam, are made for each other. But when Cam’s cousin Pip comes to stay with the family, Cam seems depressed. Finally Cam confesses to Morgan what’s going on: Cam is a fairy. The night he was born, fairies came down and switched him with a healthy human boy. Nobody expected Cam to live, and nobody expected his biological brother, heir to the fairy throne, to die. But both things happened, and now the fairies want Cam back to take his rightful place as Fairy King.
Even as Cam physically changes, becoming more miserable each day, he and Morgan pledge to fool the fairies and stay together forever. But by the time Cam has to decide once and for all what to do, Morgan’s no longer sure what’s best for everyone, or whether her and Cam’s love can weather an uncertain future.


My Review:
"Fairy Tale" was my pick for Random Reads this month.
It was a short and quick read that I really enjoyed.
Morgan and Cam have been together for a long time now.  Ever since Morgan was there for Cam when he was sick in the hospital, they've been inseparable.  All of a sudden Cam's cousin, Pip has come to visit.  He is acting even strange though.  Pip, of course, is not from around here or even this world.  He has been around fairies for along time so he does not know how to react in this world.  Cam is now acting distant around Morgan and she has no idea why.  What is up with the pink flying thing around him also?
Morgan wants to get to the bottom of it.
Morgan is a psychic and all of her high school come to her for answers on their futures.  It seems though lately Morgan may be getting things wrong for the first time.  Cam, her boyfriend never wanted to know his future until recently.  Morgan knows something is up with Cam because she swears she saw him fly during one of his football games and she's been looking at future visions of him having something grotesque on his back.
Cam finally tells Morgan the truth, that he is supposed to take over his father's position in the Fairy World as King and the pink glow around him flying is his future queen and trainer for becoming a fairy.
Then comes in, Pip, the cousin supposedly.  He's actually a human and he took Cam's spot when the King thought Cam would die.  Now Pip is switching places with Cam.
Morgan wants to try to find away to keep Cam here, and Pip has offered to help since he wants true love Morgan to be with Cam since he knows they are in love with each other.  Fairies unfortunately do not know the how to fall in "love".
The only way to prevent Cam from going, someone has to take his place.  Pip has volunteered, but for some reason Morgan is getting closer to Pip.  She's trying everything to get over her attraction with Pip, but it seems fate has other things planned for her.
I could go on and on with describing the book, but do not want to give anything away.
This book was a little predictable when reading and I knew how the ending was actually going to end up.
Morgan's visions of Cam and Pip actually give it away, but it takes her awhile to accept the future.  In the meantime, I had already figured it out.  =(
I recommend this book to anyone who loves reading YA, fairies, and loves quick reads.
The reason I read YA is due to the fact I have two young daughters of my own.  My oldest is a bookworm already at 6 years old and I want to know which books she can and can not read once she's able to read these kind of books.  I can see her reading longer, thicker books in the next few years because she's determined to read as many books as her Mom.  =)
 This is definitely one book she'll be able to read, if she's into the paranormal like I am.  =)



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