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Monday, April 30, 2012

Author Q&A and Giveaway - Felice Fox

We'd like to welcome author Felice Fox here today! Thank you so much for coming!!! 

Author Bio:

Felice has been writing professionally for over 10 years. She is the author of a best-selling non-fiction title, and her work appears in online learning courses and many popular websites. Take Me for Longing, the first novella in the American Heartstrings Trilogy, is Felice’s fiction debut. She attributes her love of romance novels to an early, feverish bout with The Kissing Disease. She lives, loves and works in California.


1. What inspired you to become a writer and did you always know you would write?

I joke about having contracted mono (the kissing disease) at 10 years old, but it really was a transformative experience in terms of my creative life. I spent literally a month in bed, daydreaming for hours on end. It didn't occur to me to write any of it down until I read that Simon LeBon (Duran Duran) kept a journal. I thought that was a pretty awesome idea, and since I wanted to have a life that looked and sounded like the Rio album, I started doing it too. (feel free to picture me at my classic 80's formica desk with a portable fan blowing my hair around asSave A Prayer plays in the background)

2. Who were your favorite authors growing up and who are your favorites now? Do you have a favorite book?

When I was a teenager, my aunt (isn't it always the aunt?) gave me Danielle Steele's Wanderlust. Oh, did I love that book! Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer is a favorite, and I've read Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materialsseries several times over. I'm a big fan of time travel romance (I have one scheduled for release later this year called Summerfly). Susan Squires' time travel books are awesome, as are Susanna Kearsley's and a new favorite--Wanted by Amber Scott.

3. When you’re not writing, what are your hobbies/interests?

I like to spend time in the woods, strolling and wandering. I love being out in nature. I read a lot of history, and watch romantic period dramas and comedies, though I'm also totally hooked on Fringe. 

4. What does a typical writing day look like for you?

I usually start the day working on marketing and publicity (trying not to get too lost in it) and then settle down to writing. I'll start by looking over my work from the previous session, then check my story map (the basic plot points) and see where I need to head next. I try to do 3,000 words a day, but it doesn't always work out that way!

5. Fun Question: If you could go to any place, where would you go and why?

Kauai. Kauai not? Oh, that was terrible! Who said that? :-) But seriously, my answer really is Kauai. I was there once and it felt like home. I dream of going back. 

6. Do you have any pets, if so tell us about them?

Not at the moment. My cat died last year, just after her 21st birthday. (So, obviously, if you are a cat reading this, you may want to petition me to be your cat mama. I'm very good at it.)

7. Where do you get your inspiration for writing specific stories?

I hear or read something that piques my interest, then I kind of turn it on it's head and ask myself "what if..."? For example, with Summerfly I was fascinated to learn that slavery in the north was a matter of gradual emancipation, and that there were slaves north of the Mason Dixon up until the Civil War. I thought "What if a teacher went back to Rhode Island in the early 1800's? And what if she accidentally brought one of her young, black students with her, and had to learn about it the hard way?" 

It's often said that you should write what you know, and that is certainly the case with Take Me for Longing. I know about the life of a writer and what motivates them, and I am a huge bluegrass fan, so that came easily too. But beyond that, it has to be something I can feel passionately about as I write.

8. Are there any summer movies you are looking forward to? Which one(s)?

I can't say there are any in particular, so can I mention the mini-series I just watched for the umpteenth time? Lost in Austen. If you like Jane Austen, or time travel, or both, see this.

9. Where did you get the idea to use Bluegrass as a part of this book? 

I love bluegrass music and the community around it. It is different than most other genres of music in the way that fans and musicians of every caliber interact. It's not unusual to be able to meet your favorite musicians and get to know then on a personal level, maybe play a tune or two with them at a jam session. There is a great sense of openness and welcoming in bluegrass, and it often brings together people who might not otherwise connect--great fodder for romance novels! 

10. Can you tell us anything about any future books in this trilogy? I'm curious who will the characters. :)

Sure! Camille (June's best friend) and J.P. (Nic's brother and banjo player for the Taylors) will be the hero and heroine of the second book, due out in June. J.P. is the strong silent type, with a secret that will unravel Camille's restraint and force her to take a leap of faith.

Thank you so much for having me here today!

Felice has generously offered up one digital copy of Take Me For Longing for a giveaway! Winners choice of print, kindle ebook, nook or iBook. Please fill out the form below to win!
This contest is for U.S. Residents ONLY

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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