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Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Blog Tour: "Shadow of the Blood Moon" by Robin P. Waldrop (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Welcome to our stop on the blog tour of "Shadow of the Blood Moon" by Robin P. Waldrop brought to you by SupaGurl Tours. Here you'll read a guest post from the author, an description of the book, author's bio and a chance to win the first book in the series as well as "Shadow of the Blood Moon".
I’m lounging on the upper deck of a large cruise ship,
little umbrella drink in my hand. Wearing my bikini and sunglasses, a constant
cool breeze keeping me cool as I do nothing, but relax.
I hear the sound of a horn honking and it continues to grow
louder. My eyes fly open, and it’s my lab barking to go out for his morning
constitution. Argh!
I look at the clock hanging on the bedroom wall. Five a.m.,
the same as every other morning. I roll out of bed and stretch. I could
probably stretch a mile, but don’t because I’d have to walk all the way back.
After I let the dogs out—yes, I have four—I grab a shower,
then head straight to the kitchen where I know my husband has a fresh pot of
coffee waiting. He loves me, what can I say. I tiptoe around because my
youngest daughter and granddaughter are still sleeping.
I watch the early morning news, then at six a.m. when my
hubby leaves for work, I grab my laptop and coffee, then head to the front
porch where I have a small card table set up. I live in the country so it’s
quiet and serene, until the neighbor’s rooster starts crowing. Some mornings he
starts crowing long before daylight. Those are the mornings I lie in bed and
think about knocking him off his roost.
I rake back my wet tangles, take a deep breath and open my
laptop. After I pull up the file I think, okay
where was Genevieve when I last saw her? Ah, yes, I remember. I scroll back
up the page a few paragraphs and read just to refresh my memory and get back in
my YA frame of mind.
I usually write until around eight when my granddaughter,
Ryleigh (nine months) wakes. Then, it’s put my writing on hold so I can change
and feed her. If her mom is off work I let her sleep. We play for a bit, she
eats a few dried Fruit Loops with me, and it’s nap time.
I get another hour to write—the phone rings. “What’s up?” It’s
my oldest daughter. All my kids know I do most of my writing during the day,
but especially early in the morning. While I’m on the phone with her, I keep
glancing at my time ticking away on
my pc.
When I finally convince her to let me call her later, I fix
another cup of coffee and sit back down. Only this time nothing happens. Come on, Genevieve. She doesn’t say a
word. Instead, she scowls at me, arms folded and tapping her foot. You know how
teens are. They think the world revolves around them. She’s punishing me for
making her put her story on hold.
I ignore her and attempt a light copy edit—the phone rings
again. “Hey, Mom.” It’s my next to youngest daughter. After watching even more
of my time tick away. I convince her
to call my oldest daughter where they can chat with each other.
I reheat my coffee and sit back down. Again. Are you over being mad, Genevieve? When
she turns her back and stomps off into the dark recesses of my mind, I take it
as a sure sign she’s angry. Please come
back. I’ll turn my ringer off. I promise, no more phone interruptions.
After several minutes of coaxing, I finally get her to come
back. just as we are ready to pick back up, I hear the muffled sounds of
Ryleigh crying.
I jump up and stick my head in the door. “Erin,” I yell.
“Wake up and get Ryleigh. I really need to write today.”
After two more times of opening the front door and yelling
at my youngest daughter to wake up, she finally does and the crying stops.
I sigh as I sit back down. Sorry, Genevieve. She is seething. You know how teens and young adults are. After all, you are one. DUH!
We argue a few minutes, then get back to work. I get lost in my writing and the
next thing I know it’s early afternoon. Time to grab a bite to eat, start the
laundry and start supper before getting on with the rest of my day.
Shadow of the Blood Moon
(Blood Moon #2)
by: Robin P. Waldrop
by: Robin P. Waldrop
Publishing Date: 8/27/12
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Genevieve Labreck is back with a score to settle. Her mom has been kidnapped by Zane, hybrid and all-around monster. Rumors fly that Gen's mom is holed away in Prague, a city recognized by humans for its serene beauty and intense culture, but Gen and Will know something humans don't. Prague is haunted by dark, evil forces.
Can Gen and Will save her mom, or will they be too late?
Some will live, others will fall. At what price do you walk away from those you love?
I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, and author of YA/Urban Fantasy paranormal novels. TIES TO THE BLOOD MOON is book 1 in my series and is available on all digital sites, and also print and audio as well. SHADOW OF THE BLOOD MOON is my current release and the second book in the Blood Moon series.
You can read my reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, Smashwords, and B&N.
If you've read the books or are now planning to read the're going to want to choose what Team guy you love more. =)
Personally...I'm having a hard time deciding. =)
Now here's your chance to win the first and second ebook of the series. =)
Just fill out the rafflecopter below.
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