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Friday, November 2, 2012
Blog Tour: The Wicked Series by Calinda B. (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Welcome to our virtual book tour stop on "The Wicked Series" by Calinda B., brought to you by Lit Connect Events.
A Day in the Life of Writer Calinda B
In the early hours, when the sky has not yet stretched into morning light bliss, I awaken. It’s 5am. The Official Sweetie Pie still sleeps, his warm body tucked beside me. I turn my head in his direction. Mmm. He is my fantastic lover and best friend. Annoyingly happy in our union, we are committed to lasting love with each other for the rest of life. I wonder if he’d mind a wake-up reminder of how good our lasting love can feel. Writing beckons. I tear my thoughts away from him and roll towards the edge of the bed.
Fatty Cat, the sentry in charge of food, purrs loudly by my head. I’m sure his thought cloud is megalophonic as he transmits the signal to his brother. “She’s awake. Get ready.” I know to keep my hands inside the covers. If I poke them out from under the blankets, Fatty Cat will begin his relentless grooming, his raspy, slobbery ministrations an unwelcome intrusion on my skin.
I linger in bed, waiting for wakefulness to wipe away the cobwebs of sleep. I luxuriate in the feel of my bed. A good bed and bedding is important. When times were tough, I always made sure to at least have high thread count, silky sheets. Today I am surrounded by comfort. The mattress is a Tempurpedic. It yields and conforms to every curve. The sheets are kitten soft. Two Tempurpedic pillows cradle my head and shoulders. Mmm. I love my bed. I wonder if I should drift away for a few more minutes. Nope. Writing calls. I roll out of bed.
Our long lingering twilights and early morning dawns are gone. It’s the season of darkness and dreams. I feel around for last night’s comfy, cotton sweat-pants, arranged so that I can slip them on without turning on the light. Same with the cotton top and sweat-shirt. Once they are in place, securing warmth along my skin, I and the cats pad downstairs to begin our day.
In the kitchen, tea water is turned on. Vitamins are consumed. The cats pace around in the dim light, wondering what made me think that I could take care of myself before catering to them. They send thought clouds of disapproval my way. I sweep my hand over their heads and brush their thoughts away. Once my tea is steeping, they can settle down to their breakfast of thawed meat cubes, dry crunchies and a sprinkle of tummy soothing supplements. Skinny Cat has made an art form out of spewing the contents of his stomach on the floor if he doesn’t get this added boost.
Writing awaits. I can feel its siren call from the front room. The promise of unsolved mysteries, passionate couplings and dramatic surprises, crafted by my own colorful imagination, lures me. I can build worlds, destroy them, bring heartache and misery, and stoke the fires of sexual awakening. Like the goddess Kali, I am the giver of life and death through my imaginative wanderings. I say who lives and who dies. A benevolent mistress, I give this character deeply fulfilling sexual communion with that one. A harsh and cruel mistress, I don’t allow this other character to be fulfilled – ever. She has to suffer. She has to seek revenge for what she cannot have. There is no rhyme or reason to my whims. The characters are fulfilled or left longing at my discretion. If I want them to be frightened out of their minds, so be it. If I decide that they are hungry with want and need, in a state of constant, unforgiving arousal, I craft it. If I want them to meet a challenge successfully, it is done. It is all up to my mood at the time. Mine….
Cats fed, tea in hand, I wander in to settle into my comfy apricot leather seat. The chair sits next to huge, arched picture windows. In the spring and summer, my eyes are drawn to ospreys who pinwheel in the sky over a nest across the street. They defend their tree from opportunistic eagles, always ready to snatch a free meal or move into a pre-made home. The sky is a constant wash of dynamic movement. Sometimes it is full of sunset, sometimes clouds roll by – it provides an ever changing backdrop for creative musings.
I sink into the supportive chair, pull a supple, soft blanket over my legs, fire up the laptop and assume my role as creator of worlds. I write. I write and I write and I write. I write until I must tear away from my computer for nourishment. I work out with weights and medicine balls, building muscles so I can sustain my relentless schedule. I sit back down and write. I write scenes in my WIP and emails and postings on Facebook and blog articles. I write until my back hurts, my legs go numb, my shoulders ache and my eyes droop with fatigue. And then, at days end, I fall into my cozy bed to nourish my tired brain until it is, once more, 5am.
The Wicked Series
by Calinda B. Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: The Wicked Series
#of books so far: 3 + 1 short story
Publisher: Sumner McKenzie, Inc.
Format: Ebook and print
by Calinda B. Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: The Wicked Series
#of books so far: 3 + 1 short story
Publisher: Sumner McKenzie, Inc.
Format: Ebook and print
A Wicked Choice
Publishing Date: 5/31/12
When C decides she wants to have an earthly
experience, there’s no telling what the consequences will be for the rest of
the Galaxy Dancers, especially her beloved consort, K.This 4150-word humorous,
sexy, tongue-in-cheek sci-fi short story is for those who want to dip
their feet in the wicked world of the Wicked Series and for the fans of the
Wicked Series who have wondered how the Galaxy Dancers came to Earth in the
first place. Just blame on on a woman’s curiousity and desire for new
Publishing Date: 5/31/12
Short Story Book Blurb: A WICKED CHOICE
On Goodreads:
A Wicked Awakening
Publishing Date: 8/17/11
Publishing Date: 8/17/11
ChĂ©rie’s just a small town girl living life the way she
thinks it’s supposed to be. She’s got a great guy, a great job and a whole lot
of things that don’t make sense. Like, why can’t she stick up for herself? And
why did this mysterious guy walk up behind her on the dance floor, whisper
“sexy girl” in her ear, make her body quake with sensation and then disappear?
Who is this crazy old woman with eyes like an eagle and braids that blaze with
fire who keeps dropping into her world? And where are all these bewilderingly
vivid dreams coming from with the mysterious guy as the main attraction? Chérie
wants answers. She finds these answers and more as she faces her past, and
comes face to face with a future that is more remarkable than she ever dreamed
A Wicked Beginning
Publishing Date: 10/13/11
Book #2 Blurb: A
Cameron Delaney Tyson’s just an ordinary guy, living an
ordinary life, trying to sort out his issues along the way — or that’s what he
keeps trying to tell himself, that is. He doesn’t believe in the supernatural,
thinks dreams are just daily recycling, and lives in the here and now.
Meanwhile, a vicious star dreamling from another galaxy is tracking him, he’s
trying to prove himself to the woman of his heart and soul and an ex-playmate
is stalking him through sex magic and nightmares. What’s an ordinary guy going
to do?
Wicked Whispering
Publishing Date: 6/10/12
Book #3 Blurb:
Kai Williams hears voices…wicked
whisperings that threaten his sanity…his life and livelihood…and his ability to
love. When the whispering begins to destroy all that he cherishes, he does what
any red-blooded guy would do: he goes deep into the darkness, deep into the sea
that cherishes and nourishes his soul. There he comes face to face and eye to
eye with evil and more heartbreak than he ever knew possible.
On Goodreads:
The WICKED SERIES Purchase Links:
Barnes & Noble:
The Fun Part: Calinda B was told early on that she should be a
writer. She heard frequent praise for her writing, as well as her sense of
humor. Scoffing at such admonitions and praise, she went on to pursue her life
of adventure, chock full of the things that make up a well-rounded adventurous
life: music (yup, she was a singer in a rock and roll band), dance (even
performed hip hop in Russia), rock climbing (ever hung from a rock wall a few
stories up? Yikes!), fire walking (taught high-ranking Moscow fire officials
how to walk the coals), kayaking, scuba diving (she’s in love with sharks),
travel, and falling in love again and again.
The Daily Grind: An award-winning web designer and certified
SEO specialist, Calinda B has worked in the Internet industry as a web page
designer/developer since the early 1990′s. She has also taught web site design
and computer graphics at community colleges in Northern California. In addition
to writing, Calinda B creates fine art and music, and enjoys scuba diving,
kayaking, and bike riding. Calinda B makes her home in the Pacific Northwest
with the love of her life and her two cats. She is currently working on the fourth
book in The Wicked Series, tentatively entitled A Wicked Ending.
Social links: For more
about Calinda B and her work, visit:
Author Page:
Giveaway Details:
• One
randomly drawn commenter from the tour will win a $20 Amazon gift card.
Contest is open the duration of the tour (Oct.
29 – Nov. 9) and Internationally.
Winner will be randomly selected and notified
via email.
Please follow Rafflecopter directions.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Stops:
the more tour stops you comment on, the greater your chances of winning!
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Post Comments
Thanks for having me here today!
Thanks for having me here today, Book Lovin Mamas!
I love the day in the life of a writer. So much imagery being created thru your words. Thanks for sharing your world with us
fencingromein at hotmail dot com
Thanks, Shannon! It's kind of hard to summarize one's day in a page and a half, double spaced. ha ha.
A question for Calinda is what is your favourite part of the writing process? :)
Thanks for asking. I can't think of a thing about writing that's not fun. I love to write. I love to craft characters and grow from my writing. It's an awesome process. I meet new people and learn new things on a daily basis. Sometimes I despair over not having enough time in the day to write! That's a good problem to have!
Good luck with the contest!
Thanks for asking. I can't think of a thing about writing that is not enjoyable. I love writing. I love to craft characters, make up worlds and learn from my writing. I learn new things every day and am certain that my writing gets better with each new release.
Good luck with the contest Winnie! And thanks for stopping by!
i love the covers!!! do you come up with the ideas for the art?
yes'm, I create my own covers, KMichelleC87. I used to be a galeried artist. I recently had the opportunity to submit my work to a big publisher and I thought (gasp!) I'll have to let them make the covers!!! I still might do it but I hate letting go of my art.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the giveaway!
olga_sergejeva (at)
Thanks for stopping by, Olga!
i love the covers!!! and thanksf for the giveaway