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Saturday, February 2, 2013
Blog Tour: "Shattered Circle" by Linda Robertson (Interview/Review/Giveaway)
Welcome to our virtual tour stop of "Shattered Circle" by Linda Robertson brought to you by Bewitching Book Tours.
1. Tell us 3 things about yourself, that readers would not be able to find on the web. -I make wands. (type in my name on Etsy and you’ll find some available for sale)
-I my college GPA was 3.59.
-I hate sappy chick-flicks.
2. What does a typical writing day look (like) for you?
I get my coffee and I sit in the chair. I fire up the devices, and turn on the music. There’s an iPhone, a netbook, a laptop, and a tower unit…usually at least two of them are on. I have research on one, work on another, and maybe fb on another…which I try to keep to a minimum when I’m writing.
3. Tell us a little bit about Shattered Circle and why readers should check it out?
SHATTERED CIRCLE is the sixth installment in the Persephone Alcmedi series from Simon & Schuster's Pocket Books. The vampire hierarchy has taken the haven from Menessos, and transitioning it into Goliath's rule--and the plotting of the Shabbubitu--strains their relationship to the breaking point. The waerewolves are losing their den as the local Department of Transportation intends to seize it and tear it down to make way for the new highway (I placed them in a real building in Cleveland that ODOT has truly taken and torn down for their I-90 project...). As if that isn't enough for Johnny to deal with, his new assistant, Aurelia, shows herself to be a serious threat to all he holds dear. Seph’s beloved foster daughter, Beverley, has been playing with a magical artifact that’s far more dangerous than she realizes. Our heroine, named for the goddess best known for being abducted, summons help from a mystical being so potent that even vampires fear him . . . and the cost of his aid may be more than she’s willing to pay. So...Seph, Johnny, and Menessos are facing threats from all sides—and a few from within. These forces may cement their tenuous supernatural union, or shatter it forever....
4. What was the easiest and hardest scene to write in Shattered Circle?
The hardest scene was the scene where Persephone learns her foster daughter Beverley is missing and she is frantically searching for the girl. As a mom, that fear is not something I want to know or imagine even to write it. The easiest scene was the epilogue added to the end. It has a mix of emotions, but I was very happy with how it turned out.
5. How many books do you have planned in the series?
I want to do nine books. I originally plotted eight, but the second book came out of nowhere, so I adjusted the overarching plot accordingly. Think of the series as groups of three. If VICIOUS CIRCLE, HALLOWED CIRCLE, and FATAL CIRCLE are my ‘Star Wars’ then ARCANE CIRCLE, WICKED CIRCLE, and SHATTERED CIRCLE are my ‘Empire Strikes Back.’ Yeah, shattered sounds bad…sounds like bad things happen to the characters, right? They do. The next three will be like my ‘Return of the Jedi’ then, tying the story up with lots of action and character development. ☺ **those movies are mentioned as a means to make clear to folks that there is a larger over-all plot; I am not saying my books are anything like those movies or that I’m as cool as Mr. Lucas.**
6. If you could be one of your characters from the series, who would you be and why?
That’s tough. I’m like so many of them in little ways. I’m the rockin’ part of Johnny and the big-word loving part of Menessos. I’m the practical side of Seph. I couldn’t be just one of them, and I wouldn’t want to. I like being me.
7. What inspired you to write the Persephone Alcmedi series?
Inspired? That may not be the right word….I blame a shrimp po’boy at the New Orleans airport for this series. I was eating one of those when I got my laptop out and started working on a character sketch for Johnny. Then I worked on who would be his ideal woman and Persephone was born and took over.
8. Who designs the gorgeous covers to the series?
Don Sipley is the artist who has done all of my covers through Simon & Schuster. I do not know who the artist was for the German covers via LYX.
9. What is up next for Linda Robertson?
I am nearly finished with a non-related UF novel, basically about angels and demons in San Francisco. I am also collaborating on a more mainstream novel with a good friend. I have another UF novel in the research phase that I want to work on, and then it’s back to the last pieces of Persephone’s story.
10. Do you have anything specific you want to tell your readers?
Thank you for reading my books! Time is very precious and I am truly flattered and thrilled that you spent some of your time reading my work. I’ve gotten emails from people around the world who have enjoyed the books and that they took the extra time to let me know, or drop me a quick message on facebook—that’s so awesome. Makes my day every time.
Shattered Circle
(Persephone Alcmedi #6)
by: Linda Robertson
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Pocket Books
ISBN-10: 1451648936
ISBN-13: 978-1451648935
It’s tough being a modern woman, but Persephone Alcmedi has it worse than most. Being the prophesied Lustrata has kicked her career as a witch into high gear, and juggling a wærewolf boyfriend who is about to become king of his kind and a seductive vampire who bears her magical Mark isn’t easy either.
Still, Seph’s beloved foster daughter, Beverley, is causing more trouble than these two men put together. The young girl’s been playing with a magical artifact that’s far more dangerous than she realizes. Now Seph must summon help from a mystical being so potent that even vampires fear him . . . and the cost of his aid may be more than she’s willing to pay. Seph, Johnny, and Menessos face threats from all sides—and a few from within. Will the forces of destiny cement their tenuous supernatural union, or shatter it forever?
My Review:
First off, I am going to kick myself in the butt for not realizing when I signed up for the tour that this is the actual 6th book in the series. I have never read out of order (it is a pet peeve of mine and I think I literally pulled my hair when I finally realized it) forgive me Linda Robertson. I have to say though, what sold me on this book and what is now tempting me to read the first 5 and re-read this one is the fantasy world that Linda created it. What sold me into participating in the blog tour was the synopsis of this book and the cover. I always enjoyed the Urban Fantasy genre as well. There are always twists and turns in Urban Fantasy that PNR and other genres do not follow.
Persephone Alcmedi is dealing with a lot, she's the Lustratra and everyone pretty much fears her and what she is capable of....of course they're some who want her on their side. She has a waerewolf boyfriend who is now the king of his kind and he's dealing with his own that involves his secret that Persephone is about to find about and his very controlling, manipulative new assistant who seems to want him for herself. Persephone also has her foster daughter, Beverley causing trouble at home, and forces Persephone in a bind. Beverley will put herself in danger and Persephone will have to ask the vampire, Menessos, to help out, but with a price that Persephone will have no control over. All three of them, are dealing with their own problems, but in the end they will have to come together due to a bigger threat that is arising.
I was confused at first while reading this because it jumped right into what the 5th book left off, but Linda definitely made sure to let me know what went on and I fell in love with the characters. I was on the edge of my seat while reading this book due to all the dilemmas that were happening to each character.
This book gave me POVs of all different characters, which made me a little disoriented at first, but when I got further in the book, I was intrigued by each character that I was reading from. I got to feel what every character was having to endure in this book. ( I love having different points of view because you grow to understand each character and love them or hate them more. You also get to feel what the characters are dealing with, while the other characters have no clue what they went through. )
The best part of the book...which to the character Persephone and her family and friends was considered awful was when Linda Robertson threw in a adaption of mythology that I loved as a child. (Persephone & Hades) (I will not spoil it for anyone who wants to read this book or the others)
Witches, vampires, waerewolves, fae, and even a little bit of mythology....all combined in one book, why would you not want to read it?
Why have I not heard of this series before until now? Shame on me and shame on none of my friends hearing about it as well. Well, now they know. =)
I am so happy to know that Bewitching introduced me to this author and this series. =) I definitely will be reading the first 5 books, as well as anxiously waiting the 7th book. (I will even re-read this one when I read the other 5 to get the full effect)
Linda Robertson has a writing style that had me staying up late to read the book so I can find out what happened next to Seph and her circle of friends.
I definitely recommend this book or actually I should say series to Urban Fantasy readers out there everywhere.
I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from the author for the blog tour in exchange for an honest review.

First off, I am going to kick myself in the butt for not realizing when I signed up for the tour that this is the actual 6th book in the series. I have never read out of order (it is a pet peeve of mine and I think I literally pulled my hair when I finally realized it) forgive me Linda Robertson. I have to say though, what sold me on this book and what is now tempting me to read the first 5 and re-read this one is the fantasy world that Linda created it. What sold me into participating in the blog tour was the synopsis of this book and the cover. I always enjoyed the Urban Fantasy genre as well. There are always twists and turns in Urban Fantasy that PNR and other genres do not follow.
Persephone Alcmedi is dealing with a lot, she's the Lustratra and everyone pretty much fears her and what she is capable of....of course they're some who want her on their side. She has a waerewolf boyfriend who is now the king of his kind and he's dealing with his own that involves his secret that Persephone is about to find about and his very controlling, manipulative new assistant who seems to want him for herself. Persephone also has her foster daughter, Beverley causing trouble at home, and forces Persephone in a bind. Beverley will put herself in danger and Persephone will have to ask the vampire, Menessos, to help out, but with a price that Persephone will have no control over. All three of them, are dealing with their own problems, but in the end they will have to come together due to a bigger threat that is arising.
I was confused at first while reading this because it jumped right into what the 5th book left off, but Linda definitely made sure to let me know what went on and I fell in love with the characters. I was on the edge of my seat while reading this book due to all the dilemmas that were happening to each character.
This book gave me POVs of all different characters, which made me a little disoriented at first, but when I got further in the book, I was intrigued by each character that I was reading from. I got to feel what every character was having to endure in this book. ( I love having different points of view because you grow to understand each character and love them or hate them more. You also get to feel what the characters are dealing with, while the other characters have no clue what they went through. )
The best part of the book...which to the character Persephone and her family and friends was considered awful was when Linda Robertson threw in a adaption of mythology that I loved as a child. (Persephone & Hades) (I will not spoil it for anyone who wants to read this book or the others)
Witches, vampires, waerewolves, fae, and even a little bit of mythology....all combined in one book, why would you not want to read it?
Why have I not heard of this series before until now? Shame on me and shame on none of my friends hearing about it as well. Well, now they know. =)
I am so happy to know that Bewitching introduced me to this author and this series. =) I definitely will be reading the first 5 books, as well as anxiously waiting the 7th book. (I will even re-read this one when I read the other 5 to get the full effect)
Linda Robertson has a writing style that had me staying up late to read the book so I can find out what happened next to Seph and her circle of friends.
I definitely recommend this book or actually I should say series to Urban Fantasy readers out there everywhere.
I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from the author for the blog tour in exchange for an honest review.
Linda Robertson is the mother of four wonderful boys, owns three electric guitars, and is followed around by a big dog named after Bela Lugosi. Once upon a time she was a lead guitarist in a heavy metal cover band and has worked as a graphic artist. She still composes and creates art, when time permits. Linda currently writes and rocks in northeast Ohio.
Visit her at and @authorLinda
10 Print copies of "Shattered Circle"
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Interesting interview. I look forward to the series.
Thanks for hosting / being interviewed. This is a great way for a reader like me to discover a new to me author... also a baaaad way to expand my TBR list / pile... now longer by 6 books ;)
Also, thanks for the giveaway!
Sounds like a great read, Thanks for sharing!!
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com
This sounds like a fantastic series...thanks for sharing! I love finding new authors to read!
ivegotmail8889 (at) yahoo (dot) com