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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Review - "The Best Mistake" by Kate Watterson

The Best Mistake
Publishing Date: 1/16/12
Publisher: Carina Press
Genre: Erotica
Source: Netgalley

When Lacey Billings gives her boyfriend, Ran, an erotic wake-up call in the middle of the night, she’s shocked to discover that the gorgeous man she’s kissing isn’t Ran…it’s his cousin, Rick.
Although Ran laughs off the mix-up, Lacey and Rick can’t stop thinking about the unexpected encounter, and they can’t escape the scorching flashbacks it’s aroused.
Ran doesn’t want an innocent mistake to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend or his cousin, so he proposes a solution. He wants the three of them to solve this problem the old-fashioned way, by sleeping on it…together.

My Review:

I've been in a "Erotica" mood for awhile and I needed something to read that would help that mood.  Glad I finally picked up "The Best Mistake" to read.  It was a short ebook, but it was worth it.  Now I look forward to reading more books from Kate Watterson.  
Lacey Billings comes home after a week of traveling to a financial convention that she had to go to.  She thinks she's coming home to her boyfriend, Ran. She wants to surprise Ran in a perfect bed of course.  Unfortunately, she never expected that Ran's cousin would be over and in his bed.
Lacey is horrified by what almost happened and she wants to tell Ran.  Rick is just as embarrassed since he's always had feelings for Lacey and now finds her even more attractive.  He doesn't want to ruin Lacey and Ran's relationship.
When Ran finds out though, he laughs about it.  He even has a bright idea on how they can stop being awkward around each about a hot steamy threesome.   =)
I found this ebook to be a very enjoyable short read.  Definitely quenched my Erotica mood for a little bit.
Who wouldn't want to enjoy a night with two HOT Men?  Guys have fantasies of threesomes and so can women, can't they?  =)
Recommend for readers who love Erotica, short stories, and reading about threesomes.  



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