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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Blog Tour: The Bridge of Deaths by M. C. V. Egan (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Welcome to our Blog Tour stop on "The Bridge of Deaths"by M. G. V. Egan. Brought to you by the lovely ladies at Innovative Online Book
Tours. Here you can read a guest post from the author, the authors bio,
book's synopsis, and a chance to win a copy of "The Bridge of Deaths".
is Labeling Appropriate & When is it Judgmental?
By M. C. V. Egan
By M. C. V. Egan
As of late I am struck by certain swings of the
acceptability pendulum. I am particularly aware of this as I am the mother of a
teenager and have the responsibilities that entail guiding a teenager through
the gauntlet years. I call this the gauntlet years, because there are traps and
it is easy to make the wrong turn and wrong decision almost everywhere.
I am an older mom so the generation gap between my teen
years and my son’s teen years is enormous. I was a teen ager of the 1970s such
a different time, not necessarily a better time but very different.
In the 1970s it was not politically incorrect to label and
as bad as it can be to categorize or judge there was an element of protection
that came with having an idea of who was up to what.
I constantly hear not just from teenagers but
from adults around me “It is not right to
Judge.” “It is not right to Label” and I cannot help but wonder where
judging ends and discernment begins.
As a parent I want to know what things are labeled in
every respect. What nutrients are in the food I buy and what pesticides were
used. Where are foods manufactured? Is it in a country with similar or
acceptable guidelines to the USA?
As a parent I want to know what a movie or TV show is
rated (another form of labeling might I be so bold to say). Even with a PG-13
rating I sometimes find myself wondering who rated this. Some PG-13 seems far
too much for a 13 year old to me and frankly I would like to know.
So when it comes to groups of kids, teenagers as parents
we love to hear that it is a group of ‘good kids’ which is of course labeling.
As a parent we need to listen very carefully to hear that ‘good kids’ was not
used so we put on the protective parent antennae and look for red flags.
So much of what was absolutely wrong and unacceptable has
become so mainstream and very acceptable. As with all this comes as a great
gift and wonderful opportunity but also as a great cost.
There is a real danger in not calling things by the
correct nomenclature and at the risk of infuriating many I will use an example
of the book touted as being found in every woman’s nightstand; 50
Shades of Grey.
I hear women
describe it as a ‘love story’ or categorize it as Erotica. I personally
consider myself open-minded even Liberal. I personally do not enjoy reading or
watching Erotica. I do however wonder; when does Erotica end and Pornography
When I see women holding the book, or hear women
discussing the book I have one question. If a when Universal makes the film can
they retained everything true to the book without an X-rating? And is X-rated pornography?
If we choose to call something X-rated a ‘love story’ or
anything else we change the meaning of the word pornography and we by our very
own label cross a line where we accept mainstream pornography as Erotica.
I cannot help but wonder how many teen agers have as past
generations always have done, gotten their hands on a copy to see what adults
are discussing.
It is true; I am of a generation who heard discussions
about whether it was appropriate for Barbara Eden to show her belly button in
the TV show I Dream of Jennie and today any Victoria Secret commercial
makes Jennie look like a covered up grandmother, but I do wonder at what point
do we use the discernment to understand that we are guiding future generations
and teaching them what things are.
About the Author
M.C.V. Egan lives in South Florida with her husband and teenage son. She is fluent in four languages; English,Spanish,French and Swedish. From a young age became determined to solve the 'mystery' of her grandfather's death, she has researched this story for almost two decades. The story has taken her to Denmark, England and unconventional world of past lives and psychics.
On August
15th, 1939 an English passenger plane from British Airways Ltd. Crashed in
Danish waters between the towns of Nykobing/Falster and Vordingborg. There were
five casualties reported and one survivor. Just two weeks before Hitler invaded
Poland with the world at the brink of war the manner in which this incident was
investigated left much open to doubt. The jurisdiction battle between the two
towns and the newly formed Danish secret police, created an atmosphere of
intrigue and distrust.
In the winter of 2009-2010 a young executive, Bill is promoted and transferred to London for a major International firm. He has struggled for the better part of his life with nightmares and phobias, which only seem to worsen in London. As he seeks the help of a therapist he accepts that his issues may well be related to a 'past-life trauma'.
Through love, curiosity, archives and the information superhighway of the 21st century Bill travels through knowledge and time to uncover the story of the 1939 plane crash.
The Bridge of Deaths is a love story and a mystery. Fictional characters travel through the world of past life regressions and information acquired from psychics as well as archives and historical sources to solve "One of those mysteries that never get solved" is based on true events and real people, it is the culmination of 18 years of sifting through sources in Denmark, England and the United States, it finds a way to help the reader feel that he /she is also sifting through data and forming their own conclusions.
The journey takes the reader to well known and little known events leading up to the Second World War, both in Europe and America. The journey also takes the reader to the possibility of finding oneself in this lifetime by exploring past lives.
In the winter of 2009-2010 a young executive, Bill is promoted and transferred to London for a major International firm. He has struggled for the better part of his life with nightmares and phobias, which only seem to worsen in London. As he seeks the help of a therapist he accepts that his issues may well be related to a 'past-life trauma'.
Through love, curiosity, archives and the information superhighway of the 21st century Bill travels through knowledge and time to uncover the story of the 1939 plane crash.
The Bridge of Deaths is a love story and a mystery. Fictional characters travel through the world of past life regressions and information acquired from psychics as well as archives and historical sources to solve "One of those mysteries that never get solved" is based on true events and real people, it is the culmination of 18 years of sifting through sources in Denmark, England and the United States, it finds a way to help the reader feel that he /she is also sifting through data and forming their own conclusions.
The journey takes the reader to well known and little known events leading up to the Second World War, both in Europe and America. The journey also takes the reader to the possibility of finding oneself in this lifetime by exploring past lives.
M.C.V. Egan lives in South Florida with her husband and teenage son. She is fluent in four languages; English,Spanish,French and Swedish. From a young age became determined to solve the 'mystery' of her grandfather's death, she has researched this story for almost two decades. The story has taken her to Denmark, England and unconventional world of past lives and psychics.
M.C.V.EGAN Online:
Website http://www.thebridgeofdeaths. com
Goodreads author/show/5004249.M_C_V_Egan
Here's your chance to win a copy of "The Bridge of Deaths". Just fill out the rafflecopter below.
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Thanks for participating in my book tour.
Catalina makes some very good points about labeling and judging. We are judged every day and even though we profess it to be a bad thing, we all do our own fair amount of judging without even realizing it. As a parent I have found that communication is the key to protecting our children from all the things we may not really like. I have a good relationship with my teenager and he has consistantly come to me to discuss things. I may blush a bit at times, but we still discuss it openly, including both pros and cons, and then I let him make an informative decision. It helps both of us to grow up a little. As far as a group of kids being labeled as a good group of kids, I have found that often times that statement is in direct proportion to how popular the parents are. It doesn't actually assess anything about the kids. If my son wants to hang out with some kids, we invite them over and get to know them. I was once told a certain kid wouldn't eat anything that I hadn't went and bought from a fast food place. I shrugged and said, "He'll like my food." I made some homemade alfredo; and, while he sniffed it with caution, he tasted it, and downed the whole plate. Sometimes the wrong reputation follows us. Of course I can give you an example of the opposite as well. I know a man who has a sterling military career, has helped fellow comrades on numerous occassions and sat in front of psychologist who have given him glowing reports. This man is an abusive husband and father, playing mental games that leave minds in mush so he can control them. Just because the cover of a book looks good doesn't mean the content of the book will be as good and vice versa. A little caution is not a bad thing to practice.
I enjoyed your post very much, Catalina :)You make some excellent points! :)
This is a very complicated theme. I, like so many, hate to judge. For me judging goes beyond labeling; when you judge you assume the position of the one above, the one who knows better, who has the right answers. I have very strong opinions and they have served me well when helping me travel through my late, but I don't think my answers are the only ones. What I try to teach my kids is that there may be many ways to go about life but these set of parameters worked for my parents when educating me, and I'm planning to enforced them in my house.
Like my father used to tell me, life in a family is not a democracy, its a tyranny and today I'm the one to impose what's right and wrong FOR MY KIDS. Outside they will use, hopefully, those weapons to make their own decisions. I don't want them striking a close friendship with a boy/girl that experiments with drugs, but more than using a label to call her, I try to develop in them interests that are clearly incompatible with that lifestyle.
About violent videogames, movies that I don't want them to see, or even cartoons, there's no way of explaining to them why I'm making different decisions than other parents. It's impossible, and even unhealthy, to select their friendships to only those who will share everyone of my points of view. Instead I try to explain and when that fails, because it always fails, I simply say: "Because I worry for you, I love you, and today I make this decisions for you. When you have your own house you will do what you think is best." That answer never fairs well, I remember my father saying the same to me, but eventually we grow and understand.
The worst thing about judging is that we may think that by doing so we're guiding our kids, but not only we are teaching them to be intolerant, but they assume that if we judge others we can very well judge them and the communication becomes even more difficult.
This is really a good conversation point, as not being a mother and as a person that grew up with tremendous laws and acts prohibiting everything from the spoken, written word etc I grew up hating sensor ship. But you are right, with "Grownups" describing a bondage book as a love story, where do we go from here?